Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sketchcrawl July 11, 2009

Here is a preview of sketches by Josh and myself.

This is the first photo I took of all the sketchers.

Josh and I...silly with anticipation.

Today was our 3rd Sketchcrawl with Urban Sketchers Seoul! It was a hot and humid day, but we braved it for the cause! Sketcher's unite! We had a wonderful day, thanks for coming out fellow sketchers and thanks for having us.
I am including the link to my sketches, Josh's sketches and the photos from the big day.


  1. Welcome and thank you Angela and Josh for sharing your sketches! Hope you to be with us for a long, long time. :)

  2. Wow! Great sketches and beautiful photos. Very welcome to join Urban Sketchers Seoul.:D

  3. Impressive sketches!
    And you gave me a golden opportunity to draw a rare model. I saw my work in your Flickr community. Thank you.
