Saturday, August 8, 2009

at Jungreung village, Seoul

I sketched at Jungreung village. It would be reconstructed soon. Because it locateed near Bughan mountain, the scenery was beautiful though the houses were very old and shabby.


  1. Sir, warm divine painter, who is hard to find from other painters in picture, was filled.
    Is thought that because correspondence with things is a recording picture.
    Sir, picture gives together seeing these dynamic pleasure. That energy charge feeling.

  2. 낡은 집들이지만 이선생님 그림 속에서는 아름다운 풍경이 되네요.맨 아래 그림 속 작은 화분들.. 정겹습니다.

  3. Thanks,ecrire. Your feeling is more lively than my drawings. Have a good time!

    낡은 소재들일수록 오랫동안 정든 것 같은 느낌에 감흥이 새롭습니다. 감사합니다.
