Saturday, February 27, 2010

the 26th Sketchcrawl in Seoul

Chondogyo Main Building, Kyungun-dong, Seoul, drawn by Lee Kyu-hwang

Nagwon shopping complex building drawn by Lee Kyu-hwang

Cityscape at Insadong, drawn by Lee Kyu-hwang

General Lee Sculpture at Gwanghwamun Square, Seoul, drawn by Lee Kyu-hwang

Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Gwanghwamun, Seoul
drawn by Lee Kyu-hwang

Jung Un-ja

Kwon Jae-soon

Lee Ye-na

Ye-na and her mother Koo Yoon-kyung

Lee Kyu-hwang


  1. 규황씨 그림 넘 멋졌어요
    신선한 자극!!(잠재된 에너지가...)
    23일 입대라고 했지요
    몸 건강히 잘 다녀오길 바라요!!

  2. 새로운 다크호스네요. 스케치크롤날이 휴가날과 맞으면 또 참석할 수 있으면 좋겠군요. ^ ^
