Friday, April 30, 2010

27th World Wide SketchCrawl

안녕하세요? 금번 27차 스케치크롤은 광화문에서 시작하여 경희궁 서울 역사박물관, 삼성병원내의 경교장과 정동 혹은 서대문로타리로 정했습니다. 만나는 장소는 광화문에 위치한 세종문화회관 계단에서, 시각은 오는 5월 15일 오전 10시 30분으로 합니다. 많은 참여 바랍니다. 그날 뵙겠습니다.
(Hi, It'll be nice to sketch together on a beautiful spring day. It's a Teachers' Day in Korea too. We'll start sketching from Gwanghwamun Square. Because It's the center of Seoul in the sense of historical and geological location in Korea, we want to sketch the place often. The next place will be Seoul Museum of History located at the Kyung-hee Palace. After that we can sketch Kyung Gyo Jang where Kim Ku used his private house as an office for a provisional government from 1945 to 1949 till he was assassinated by Ahn Du-hee. The building has been used as Samsung Hospital till now. If we've enough time to sketch more we can move to Jeong-dong or Seoul Railroad Station which is under refurbishing.Hope many sketchers to participate in this sketchcrawl!See you at the frontal steps of Sejong Center for the Performing Arts on 10:30 am, May 15, 2010.Thanks!)