Friday, August 6, 2010

#28th Sketchcrawl in Seoul

watercolor, 29.7x21cm

Lee Ho-Jung, at the plaza of Hongik University

Lee Ho-Jung participated the first time in this sketchcrawl and middle school girl. she is doing well at school also drawing. Her work seems pureness like sky of that day. We were sorry to sketch without you and your dad at Tugsum. We are all glad to meet her and her drawing.. and her dad. Hope to see again!


  1. Yes right! We were glad to meet you and thanks a lot for sharing your first work at sketchcrawl. Nice work!

  2. 반가워요~ 호정양.그림에서 차분하고 섬세한 성품이 느껴지네요.
    활동 기대할께요.^^
