Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Several sketches in November sketchcrawl

Harmony of the Korean traditional architectures at Kyung-bok Palace

The surroundings of Jong-no Police Station viewed from Insa-Art center

A scenery in front of Jogyesa Temple

Han-kook Ilbo(Newspaper publishing company) viewed from Kyung-bok Palace

Last Saturday was so cold and strong windy day for November. But Seoul sketchers were deep in urban-sketching all day with patience.
I sketched wandering through the downtown from Kyung-bok Palace to Insa-dong. I'm sure continuous drawing on the surroundings of Gwanghwamun is very useful for Seoul sketchers.


  1. 경복궁 그림이 참 멋집니다 제가 그렸다면 아마 경복궁이 화냈을 것 같습니다^^

  2. 건물들이 선생님의 손끝으로 재탄생 됩니다 너무 멋지세요 볼 때마다 감탄, 감동입니다!! 색칠하기 전과 후의 느낌도 많이 다른 것 같아요
