Monday, January 24, 2011

30th Sketchcrawl in Seoul

Old Seoul Station under remodelling

Another view around the Old Station

New Seoul Station connected with the Old Seoul Station

Seoul Square Building and Namdaemun Police Station
on the opposite side of the Seoul Station

Arterial road in front of the Seoul Station
crowded with buses and pedestrians
Seoul sketchers including me met at the Seoul Railroad Station for the 30th Worldwide sketchcrawl. The Old Seoul Station was finished on 1925. Recently it was declared national historical monument and under remodelling into a Culture Complex Building. The top one was sketched on the bus stop crowded with passersby in order to express the good view and strong monumentality.


  1. Seoul Station history became really long.
    Teacher picture that do to look at one site to gazes of several angle becomes good study even if see.

  2. Seoul is an inexhaustible mine of treasure to sketch. So all of us are happy. Thanks!
