Saturday, March 19, 2011

March sketchcrawl at Children's Grand Park

Seoul sketcher HS Lee



Today 9 sketchers participated in. It was warm with yellow dust in wind a little. But the zoo was good for sketching animal including elephant, lion, tiger, puma, and bear. Some liked to draw flowers in botanic garden. After having lunch in park we went to Sejong Univ for sketching more. After finishing the crawl we shared all the drawings and discussed for the coming exhibitions. Thank you all the participants, especially new comers, Kim Hye-jin, Eom Soo-ryeo, and her boy friend. Hope to see you all in next world wide sketchcrawl at Cheongryangri Station!


  1. 어제 못 나가서 아쉬웠습니다, 모처럼 집 가까운 장소이기도 하고 제가 좋아하는 곳이라 더욱. 함께 못해서 죄송하기도 하구요. 새로 오신 분들 어떤 분들이신지 무척 궁금하네요. 두 분 환영합니다!

  2. 미경씨 안나와 서운하긴했지만 역시 삶의 에너지인듯~담에 뵈요 잘지내시구요^^
