Monday, May 16, 2011

sketches on a fine Sunday

motorbike & Namsan at Chungpa-dong, Seoul

at Sookmyung Woman's University, Seoul

at Manri Market, Manridong, Seoul

It was a fine day. I started from Sookmyung Woman's University where located near Seoul Station. The campus was neat and occupied with new buildings built recently. Having lunch at drivers' restaurant located across the Hyochang Park I headed on to Chungpa-dong for a better view. I sketched a motor bike with the Namsan at a long distance. On my way to Son Gi Jeong Park I stopped to capture the sunlit awnings at Manri Market. The Son Gi Jeong Park was a good place to sketch surrounded by old houses and new buildings under construction. I could rest for a while under the big trees of the park hearing the merry sound from playground.


  1. 오토바이 그림이 굉장히 인상적입니다^^

  2. 휴~~샘은 정말 오토바이 한 대 있어야 할 듯!!대단한 열정과 기동성에 박수를 !!!!!

  3. 짝짝짝!!!
    다 멋집니다. 유샘을 알고지낸 시간들이 머릿속을 지나며 흐뭇한 마음이..^^

  4. 저한테는 자전거보다 오토바이가 쉬운 것같습니다. 자전거는 가늘어서 늘 어렵구요. 오토바이가 부피감도 있고 좋아요. 먼 산을 그릴때는 펜을 쓰면 좋지 않겠다는 경험치가 생기는군요. 남산의 색도 더 흐리게 했었으면 좋았겠다하는 아쉬움도 남구요. 공감해주셔서 감사합니다. ^ ^
