Saturday, May 7, 2011

sketches on May 7, 2011 at the Anglican Church of Korea

Jung Kyoung-won

Jung Un-ja

Koo Yoon-kyung

Yoo Byung-hwa

Lee Yong-hwan

How nice the weather was after raining all the night! We enjoyed sketching and having zazangmyun at the corner of the church by the kind consideration of the staffs. The young priest of the church liked the sketches and suggested to inform on the church weekly about this sketching and our exhibit at the Songpa Library Gallery on June 26, 2011. We thanked for all the atmosphere of the church.


  1. It's such a rare opportunity to be able to see various artists' sketches on a same subject in one posting!

    Very interesting and refreshing...

  2. 오와~ 모두 다 멋집니다. 박수!!!

  3. Thank you oldman and Kim Mikyung!!

  4. 유선생님 그림을 보면서(참 기하학적이다는 느낌까지)제가 바라보는 시각이 너무도 좁구나를 느꼈습니다 작은 것 하나라도 툭 던져놓고 전체를 말해줄 수 있는 좋은그림이라 생각합니다 많이 배웁니다^^

  5. 정말 모두 열작하셨네요^^
    스케치 나가는 날은 몸과 마음 모두 편안해야 즐기고 올 수 있구나 생각했지요..
    며칠 나태함이 가져다주는 건 오직 우울함이라 느꼈습니다 열공하겠습니다!!
