Friday, August 26, 2011

Women's cell in Seodaemun Prison and History Hall, Seoul

Women's cell in Seodaemun Prison, pen, watercolor, 25 x 25 cm

On June 2009 I sketched the above one at Seodamun Prison located near Seodaemun Independence Park, Seoul. There the Japanese style building caught my eye. I looked for the information about the building. It was built on 1916 under the Japanese colonial ruling period. Under the ground floor there were four women's cells to the height of 1.48 m that the prisoner couldn't stand upright. The patriot Ryu Kwan-soon died there. The basement was buried on 1934 but restored on 1992. I wanted to go there again some day to sketch and feel our painful history.  I could visit again with Seoul Urban Sketchers this month. We harvested a lot of sketches thanks to the true patriots fighted for the national independence.