Saturday, January 21, 2012

#34 Worldwide SketchCrawl at Yakhyeon Catholic Church(약현 성당)

inside the church office where the successive priests' photos were hung
and on left wall were the holy statues were in showcase for selling
35.5 x 24.5 cm

Brown Stone complex building across the church

holy statues in showcase for selling

inside the church

right side of the church

KH Lee and KW Jung at lounge for believers & visitors

Yakhyeon Catholic Church(Jungrim-dong Catholic Church)

YH Lee

The following sketches were drawn by Lee Kyu-hwang.

A 4(21 x 29.7 cm)

21 x 57 cm

The church found on 1892 as the first catholic church building in Korea locates at Jungrim-dong, Jung-ku. The church building was burnt by arson attack on February 1998. Renovation was completed on September 1999. 

In the morning it rained a little and cloudy. We went inside the office building where we could see the church through a big pane glass at the comfortable lounge. What a lucky day it was inspite of bad weather! We used the space freely. After sketching some we went inside the church building and did one for each. Every time we sketch despite of all bad conditions we get some valuable things which we never imagined before we begin. We enjoyed all the calm mood of the church and even the weather too. Thank you all!


  1. 약현성당..참 이쁜 성당이였습니다.조금 여유를 갖고 다시 한 번 더 가봐야겠습니다~ 저흰 고향에서 온가족 모여 즐건시간 보내고 있습니다.명절연휴 잘 보내셔요^^

  2. ㅎ ㅎ 날이 좀 좋으면 밖에서 이곳 저곳을 죽 그려야 할 것같습니다. 꽃피는 봄이 오면... 명절 즐겁게 보내셔요. ^ ^(딸아이 전시가 어제 시작되었어요. 주소 : 먼데서 그림이라도 보았습니다.)
