Saturday, October 19, 2013

#41th World Wide SketchCrawl around Namdaemun

A 4

12 x 16 cm

Mr. Park Jae Wook presented the precious pen made by himself. 
Thank you so much! I'll keep and use it remembering you.

Lee Sang Jin, Park Jea Wook, Lee Joung Kun, Lee Yong Hwan, Kim So Hyung, Han Kyung Eun from left

The weather was fine though blowing a little. Eight sketchers including two new comers, Han Kyung Eun and Jeong Seul A, gathered on time at the fountain plaza in front of the Bank of Korea and Sinsegae department. After sketching in the morning we had lunch at 12 :30 pm in nearby restaurant at Namdaemun market. We continued sketching around Namdaemun market and Namdaemun Gate till 4:00 pm. Finishing the sketch Crawl we took photos and shared all the sketches we've done all day. And, we had time for tea in coffee shop talking about sketching. Thank you all for the love and passion in sketching together!

오늘 바람이 좀 쌀쌀했지만 여덟분의 스케쳐들께서 모였습니다. 두분께서 새로 오셔서 더욱 반가왔구요. 언제나 복잡한 남대문에서의 스케치, 식사와 차마시는 시간도 좋았구요. 항상 의욕적인 스케쳐들 덕분에 알찬 시간을 나누어서 더욱 보람이 있었습니다. 
참가하신 모든 분들께 감사드립니다.

이번 41차 스케치크롤 사이트 방문하시고 전 세계인들의 스케치를 감상하시기 바랍니다. 


  1. 느낌이 너무 좋아요~애정이 담긴 시선이 좋아요^-^

  2. 감사합니다! 사람들이 이루는 풍경에 마음이 갑니다.
