Monday, November 18, 2013

A watercolor painting in Chungdong First Methodist Church ( 정동 제일교회), Jung-gu, Seoul

Last Saturday, the fall weather was so fine for sketching. I visited Jeongdong Street (정동길) for sketching with Seoul urban sketchers. Chungdong First Methodist Church is Korea's first Protestant church built in 1897 by Appenzeller and constructed with red brick, country Gothic style. The church is located in the center of the beautiful Jeongdong Street, and is especially beautiful in autumn, when the leaves fall from the trees that line the street. And the shadow of external brick wall of the church varies from hour to hour rhythmically.
I was impressed by the attractive scene, and painted in watercolor standing up in front of the church half a day.

Chungdong First Methodist Church, pencil and watercolor, 54 x 74cm 

quick sketch before watercolor painting, brush pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm 

another quick sketch on the same spot, bruch pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm

Seoul Museum of Art (서울 시립미술관 SeMA), pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm


가을 단풍 바람에 흩날리며 그림자와 함께 붉은 벽면을 스쳐가는
정동 제일교회는 아름다운 정동길의 작은 보석 같습니다.
정동길 따라 그리는 것은 어반 스케쳐가 누리는 작은 행복입니다.


  1. 느낌이 너무 좋아요~그리고 그림그리시는 모습도 멋있으세요!

  2. 수채화의 묘한 매력이 선생님 붓에서 빛을 뿜는듯한 포스입니다. 색의 조화가 매력적이에요

  3. 감사합니다.
    정동교회를 많이 그렸지만 그릴 때마다 쉬워지기보다는 더욱 더 긴장의 연속입니다~~ 그 긴장감이 힘이 되는 것 같아요.
