Sunday, December 22, 2013

visiting the exhibition, "개항장 인천의 풍광" (Scenery of Incheon as an Open Port) by Artist Kim Jae Youl (김재열), Incheon

Lee Yong Hwan, Korea-China Cultural Center (한중문화관), Jung-gu, Incheon
pen and watercolor, A 4

Lee Yong Hwan, Incheon Art Platform complex (인천 아트 플랫폼), 
ball point pen and watercolor, A 4

Korea-China cultural center building

Artists, Kim Jae Youl and Lee Yong Hwan at the exhibition hall, 
1st floor of the Korea-China Cultural Center

Old buildings were remodeled as cultural space for arts and culture. 

site map for the Incheon Art Platform complex

Yoo Byung Hwa, Building C at the Incheon Art Platform complex near the Korea-China Cultural Center, pen and watercolor, 19.5 x 27 cm

Yoo Byung Hwa, Korea-China Cultural Center, pen and watercolor, 19.5 x 27 cm

YH Lee and I went to Incheon to see the exhibition of Artist Kim Jae Youl, which was held in Korea-China Cultural center, Jung-gu. We met him and enjoyed his great works. Most of them were about the features of Incheon spanning 120 years. Incheon port was opened on 1883 for the first time in Korea. We liked his recent works too. The exhibit will be on from Dec. 18 -  Dec. 31, 2013. Across the building Incheon Art Platform complex was created. Most buildings had been used as office, factory, or else of private companies previously. But they were transformed into good space for exhibition, education, and performance theater. We visited Modern Architecture Museum located nearby. Historical modern buildings were exhibited as miniatures in the museum. Incheon has lots of treasure as a great sketching place for its historical importance as the open port. Hope that Seoul sketchers go there for sketching them. 

오늘 이용환샘과 인천 한중문화관에서 열리는 김재열선생님의 "개항장 인천의 풍광" 전시회를 보고 왔습니다. 120 여년에 걸친 인천 개항 후의 모습을 담은 역작들을 감상하고 선생님도 만나 뵙고 설명도 들을 수 있어서 좋았습니다. 전시 감상후에 가까이에 있는 근대건축박물관도 방문하고 부근을 스케치하였구요. 늘 가던 인천이지만 새로이 변모된 인천 아트 플랫폼이 인상깊었어요. 차후에 서울 스케쳐들과 함께 방문하여 이곳 저곳을 그려봤으면 싶었습니다.
시간되시면 전시회 방문하시면 좋겠습니다.


  1. 꼭 가서 그려보고 싶습니다~

  2. 지난 주에는 두번이나 갔네요. 가도 가도 매력이 넘치는 곳이라는 생각이 들어요. 인천은...
