Saturday, May 23, 2015

May Sketching Meetup at the Seoul Forest park

people at the deck of visitor's center
24 x 32 cm

ground for roller or board skaters
24 x 32 cm

trees near the gate 2, 24 x 32 cm

sketchers looking down the results

Anna holding her portrait drawn by YH Lee

participants taking photo after sketching

The Seoul Forest Park was really good for citizens to walk, rest, practice, and meeting by various kinds of facilities such as playgrounds, fountains, tracks for boarders, botanic garden and small zoo even. Tall trees made broad shadow all over the park. People seem to enjoy their weekend with friends, lovers, and family. Sunny weather added the pleasure to walk here and there looking small tents in which owners took rest as if they were in mountains. We enjoyed sketching on a very fine day having lunch delivered from Chinese restaurant near the park together on a low wooden bench. 

Eight sketchers participated in : Anna from Germany, YH Lee, MK Kim, KS Song, KH Kim, DH Choi, SM Kang(new comer), and BH Yoo

오늘 화창한 날씨에 서울숲은 많은 시민들로 북적였습니다. 숲에서의 여러가지 체험교실에 참여하는 학생들, 운동하러 나온 시민들, 시원한 그늘에서 모임을 갖는 분들도 많았구요.
당연히 스케치 할 것은 너무 많았고 여기 저기 스케치 하면서 숲에서 걷는 즐거움도 함께 누렸어요. 왕십리 역에서 한정거장의 위치에 있는 서울숲은 자주 가도 좋을만한 아름다운 공간이었습니다. 참여하신 분들께 감사드립니다. 

1 comment:

  1. 덕분에 즐거운 하루였습니다~
    감사드려요 ^^
