Friday, August 14, 2015

sketches at Jongno, Seoul

Susong-dong scenery seen from 2nd floor of Burger King, Jongno, pencil 8B, watercolor, A 4

pencil (8B), watercolor, white conte pencil, 30.5 x 40.6 cm

lotus in containers at the foreground of Jogyesa, pen, watercolor, A 4

pencil, watercolor, A 4

I went downtown, Susong-dong, Jongno in successive two days. After sketching old buildings at Susong-dong from the 2nd floor of Burger King, Jongno district branch on Aug. 12, I visited Jogyesa temple. Wow I saw lots of lotus plants grown in water containers laid on foreground. Some blossomed and others were budded. It was a surprise to see lotus plants in such scale at the center of big city. Lotus is a symbol of buddhism because it blossoms in mud water. Though it was very hot still I couldn't just appreciate the beauty without sketching them. I visited the temple again the next day to draw more after sketching the old building on a bigger paper in different viewpoint. I'd like to go more to enjoy the atmosphere which the plants bring in downtown. 

지난 12일과 13일에 종로 수송동에 나가서 버거킹 건물 2층에서 바라보이는 오래된 건물을 그렸어요.  12일에 조계사를 방문하면서 만난 마당가득한 연꽃을 보고 그렸고 다음날도 가서 그렸습니다. 도심에서 그렇게 많은 연꽃을 만난 것이 뒤늦은 감이 있지만 다행이었어요. 뜨거운 날에 의자도 빌리고 너무 뜨거우면 천막에 들어가서 그리기도 했어요. 도심속에 행사를 자주 만나게되고 많은 신도와 방문객으로 붐비는 조계사같은 스케치 장소가 있어서 좋습니다.


  1. 조계사에 가면 저렇게 많은 연꽃을 볼 수 있군요. 이쁩니다.

  2. 여름에는 연꽃, 가을에는 국화...도심 속의 훌륭한 쉼터입니다. ^ ^
