Saturday, October 24, 2015

# 49 World Wide SketchCrawl at Namsangol Hanok Village

traditional crafts shop, 31 x 23 cm

traditional wedding ceremony of Lee Hwa and Christopher Cabrera

Taegwondo demonstration at main plaza

It was very foggy in the early morning. But it got clearer and shiny even hot after noon. Namsangol Hanok Village was very busy with tourists and citizens. It was more crowded for it was a Saturday. Eight sketchers joined : Lee Yong-hwan, Yun Young-sook, Ku Bon-ok, Mona Kwon, Yoo Byung-hwa and new comers, Shin Jeong-sheop, Jo Seong-eun, Lee Chung-geun. Though we know well about our traditional houses it's not easy at all to draw them exactly. Most of us live in apartments or modern houses. We recall past times drawing them in the village where valuable houses in land were moved from the original sites. Hanok can be transferred as it is by its dividable materials, wood and roof tiles. I could meet a traditional wedding ceremony. But it was too late to draw all the process of the wedding. The couple seemed to be from China for the guests used Chinese language. Foreign couple like to hold a wedding in Korean traditional way. In the afternoon there was a Taegwondo demonstration in main plaza. Lots of people gathered and enjoyed applauding so much. But drawing their action was another matter for sketchers. How hard to capture the instant pose of smashing pine boards would be!
At four o'clock we shared all the works at the plaza. Thank you all!
이른 아침에 날이 너무 흐려서 우산까지 갖고 갔는데 다행히 날이 점점 맑아져서 일기가 아주 좋았어요. 야외 활동에는 아무래도 날씨가 큰 역할을 하게 됩니다. 새로 오신 신정섭님, 조성은님, 이충근님 반가왔습니다. 멀리서 참가해주신 권모나님, 윤영숙님께도 감사드리며 여행의 재미에 푹 빠지신 구본옥님도 반가왔습니다. 그림속에 함께 하는 즐거움은 각별한 것같습니다. 말이 필요없는 조용한 자기 수양이라고나 할까요. 현장에서 직접 보고 그린다는 것이 말할 수 없이 어려울 수도 있지만 그 또한 가치있는 훈련이라고 생각하며 그림 종이에서 자유를 만끽해봅니다. 감사합니다.

#49 World Wide SketchCrawl 페이지를 방문해 보시기 바랍니다.

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