Monday, July 10, 2017

weekend sketches at Jongno

 Topgoal Art Center(탑골미술관) in Seoul Senior Welfare Center,  29.6 x 42cm

a scenery of Insa-dong viewed from Anguk-dong Mcdonald's,  36 x 51cm

an old street scene near Tapgoal Park (탑골공원) viewed from inside 
the Nagwon building(낙원빌딩),  36 x 51cm

indoor scene of the senior movie theater(실버극장) located at 4th floor 
of the Nagwon building,  26 x 37cm

a scenery of Jogyesa Temple(조계사),  26 x 37cm

street scene of Gongpyeong-dong(공평동),  26 x 37cm
(pen, pencil and watercolor)
The rainy season began. Last weekend, despite the bad weather to sketch outdoors, I tried to draw new subjects I didn't sketched before around Jongno. 
During rains, I sketched some old street scenes and an indoor scene inside the Nagwon building and the Mcdonald's. And after rain, I sketched outside the Topgoal Art Center where we'll exhibit next month. I'll continue working on my sketches around Jongno in my spare times.
무더운 날씨에 여름장마까지 겹쳐 온갖 시끌버끌 북적거리는 종로이지만, 
소재를 찾아 탐구하며 그리기에는 잘 정돈된 시가지보다 참으로 매력있는 장소입니다.
그동안 도심을 수없이 그렸지만 안그린 장면을 찾아보면 볼수록 소재가 무궁무진합니다.
이번 전시회는 무심히 스쳐버리는 주변을 소중히 챙겨보는 좋은 계기가 될 것 같습니다. 

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