Monday, September 4, 2017

Two sketches at Doseonsa Temple

pencil, water soluble color pencils, 29.5x41.5cm

pen, water soluble color pencils, 29.5x41.5cm

Last Friday, Sept. 1st, I went to Doseonsa Temple located at Wooi-dong, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul. The weather was very fine. Because it locates high in the mountain, Samgaksan. Months ago it took over one hour for me to walk down the well paved road. The scenery was good. In old days people walked up to go there; but these days they use shuttle bus. 
This time the first building where a big restaurant and big praying space for ancestral rites was under repairing. Countless scaffolds were set up all around the building.  I tried to draw on somewhat big papers(29.5x41.5cm). It was just a challenge to capture such complicated scene. The numbers of the vertical plumbs are not exactly same as the real features. The place I took seat was an open cafe with wooden stools or benches under trees. So I could enjoy sketching hearing the sutras sounded in speakers repeatedly. 
It was boring in some sense to draw similar scenery on both sides of the building. But I drew them because I will not be able to capture such scenes after the finishing of the repairing. Though the temple locates at far from the downtown its long history founded on 862 and beautiful scenery attracts citizens, believers, and mountain climbers all the seasons. By the opening of Wooi light rail people can arrive there sooner than before. Next time I will try to ride that. 

지난 금요일에는 모처럼 우이동의 도선사에 올라갔습니다. 도선사 위치가 좀 높아서 셔틀버스가 다녀서 그나마 편합니다. 경치는 좋구요. 몇달만에 올라갔더니 호국참회원이라는 건물이 보수 공사로 온통 비계로 둘러싸여 있더군요. 그림 시작전에 우선 점심 공양을 맛있게 하였어요. 제사가 있었는지 팥떡이랑 파인애플 썬 것도 있어서 감사히 먹었습니다. 
사찰의 모습이 대동소이하지만 공사중인 건물의 모습은 특이하여서 두 장을 그렸어요. 그림 마치고 이곳 저곳을 들러보고 좋은 시간 보냈습니다. 작은 연못도 있는 곳도 있었고 미쳐 못 올라간 곳도 있습니다. 또 가고 싶은 여지를 두고 왔습니다.


  1. 절밥이 맛있지요
    반대로 절밥이 맛있게 느껴지는 사람은 불교와 인연이 깊은 사람!

  2. 절밥 자주 먹으면서 확실히 고기 덜 먹게 되었어요.체중 조절에도 도움이 되어 고맙게 생각합니다. :)
