Friday, January 12, 2018

winter sketches at the National Museum of Korea

front view of the museum on the Open Plaza, (36 x 51cm), pen and watercolor

Great Hall on the 1st floor inside the museum, (36 x 51cm), pen and watercolor

 an outdoor scene viewed from the lounge of museum shop, (26 x 37cm), pencil 

 Great Hall viewed from the 2nd floor, (21 x 29.6cm ), pen

an interior scene viewed from the 2nd floor with part of Gyeongcheonsa Pagoda,
(26 x 37cm), pencil
It is very cold weather throughout the week. Despite the violent winter wind, Seoul urban sketchers met at the National Museum of Korea for sketching on Wednesday this week. The panoramic scenes of the grand museum were exceptionally beautiful in harmony with a background of the snowy landscape. The museum were fulled with visitors including lots of students as a group, kids and their parents during winter vacation season. I drew a few sketches in and out the museum with a new feeling.
엄청난 양의 우리의 역사문화유산과 다양한 프로그램을 담은
국내 최대의 국립중앙박물관은 스케치 소재의 박물관이기도 합니다.
칼바람 추운 날씨 속에 열정을 발휘하신 스케쳐님들께 성원을 보냅니다~~

1 comment:

  1. 박물관을 보고있는듯 합니다
    한파도 넘보지 못할 그림에의 열정! 부러워요
    흑백의 느낌도 좋아요~~
