Monday, August 27, 2018

Sungkyunkwan & Munmyo in Sungkyunkwan University

Myeongnyundang lecture hall in Sungkyunkwan Uni.
 Cergio travel edition 21*29.7
watercolor paint with fountain pen

I drew some  traditional buildings that remainded so far between modern buildings of Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul.
Sungkyunkwan is the first and higher  educational institution of the Joseon dynasty in Korean history .
It has two names 'Sungkyunkwan' and 'Munmyo'.
It was called by Sungkyunkwan as the academy of Joseon dynasty and was called by Munmyo in the same time  as the Confucion shrine for Confucius.
The Joseon Dynasty was maintained for 518 years from 1392~1910.

명륜당과 서재
Traditional buildings called Munmyo Dongjae in Sungkyunkwan Uni.
Cergio travel edition 21*29.7
watercolor paint with fountain pen
When it comes to urban sketches I almost  use watercolors but I'm always struggling with them to deal with.
Back in the days I usually used to draw with oil paints which is my best materials ever.
I really hope I'm getting used to handle watercolors.

성균관 대학교 건물
Modern buildings of Sungkyunkwan University
fabriano watercolor paper  300g 23*36
watercolor paint with oil pastel

성균관과 문묘는 같은 말
조선시대 최고의 교육기관으로써의 기능을 중요시 할 때는 성균관이라고 부르며
유학 역사에 공헌한 공자를 비롯한 선현들의  제사를 지내는 역할도 못지않게 중요했는 데
그때는 문묘라고 한다.
명륜당.동재,서재 ,존경각,육일각,대성전,동무,서무,
그리고 성균관대학교 입구에  탕평비가 있다.


  1. 강렬한 색감에 정신이 화~악 드네요
    연약한 몸에서 뿜어져 나오는 강렬함..
    반전인데요... 조아요~^^

  2. 전통 건축에 대한 파격적인 표현이 인상적입니다~~

  3. 기와표현이 좋네요.. 색도 강렬하고... 멋집니다..
