Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Sketching meetup with Nancy Ho from Canada

Sketch by Nancy Ho at Pai Chai HakDang

Nancy Ho(left) sketching with Seoul Urban Sketchers

I've done this one inside the Dunkin Donuts shop waiting for the sketchers to arrive at.
pen, pastels, A 4

Deoksugung Palace is not big but makes attractive scenes with modern buildings surrounding it. I could see newer scenery though I visited there so many times. 
buildings in Deoksugung Palace, charcoal, pastels, A 4

I tried charcoal to express the volume of big gate and roof seen through the empty space of open doors. I used yellow color of pastel in Chinese characters on signboard.
30 x 42.5 cm (A3)

When I sat on bench in front of fountain a photographer was taking picture. I captured his pose rapidly with brush pen and added pastels. Movement of human in motionless old architecture gave fresh feelings. But the scenery varied by light, breeze, shadow...
brush pen, water soluble color pencils, A 3

I sat beside the Pai Chai HakDang building looking at the Daycare center of Seoul City Hall. The building looks different according to the capturing spot. I drew it several times before. Red brick color looked harmonious with the Pai Chai HakDang. 
brush pen, watercolor, A 3

It was really fine day. Because it was an ordinary day the palace was not crowded with visitors so we could enjoy the beautiful weather and architectural scenery. After having lunch we moved to nearby educational building consisted with old memorable building and contemporary one. We gathered to sketch with Nancy Ho. She thanked for the moments of sketching and sharing. Of course we enjoyed the meeting too. Wish her to keep traveling and sketching all the countries! 

오늘 좋은 날씨에 조용한 고궁과 배재학당 관장에서 낸시 호님과 즐거운 스케치 시간을 가졌습니다. 평양 여행 이야기도 잠깐 들을 수 있어서 좋았습니다. 시종 스케치를 즐기는 모습에서 진정한 스케쳐라는 생각을 하였구요. 남은 체류기간에 알찬 여행을 하기를 바랬습니다.
참석하신 분들 : Nancy Ho, 이용환, 한정선, 백경원, 유병화, 이충근, 최정은, 김조묘, 최덕희, 조은비, 정효선, 김채은



  1. 즐거운 그림들입니다. 다음 모임때 뵙겠습니다.^^

  2. 정동은 그릴 것이 참 많은 것 같습니다.. 소개하고 싶은 곳도 그리고 싶은 곳도 많습니다.. 다음에 또 뵙겠습니다.

  3. 파스텔그림 조아요
    수고에 감사드려요^^

  4. 참석 못했는데 사진으로 잘 감상하고 갑니다~^^
