Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sketchcrawl with Steve from Sydney, Australia

추위가 매섭습니다. 내일 모레 29 일에 스티브씨와 덕수궁앞에서 오전 11시에 만나 그림을 그리기로 하였습니다. 여유있으신 분은 함께했으면 합니다. 그날 뵙겠습니다.

(We'll meet Steve from Sydney on 11am, Dec. 29, 2009, in front of Ducksoo Palace for sketching or painting. Hope to see you if possible.)


  1. I say that it is cold continually this week.Suffer and go warmly.
    Is really inconvenient because can not share with..
    Will be expecting good picture!!

  2. Due to reasons of both sides and year-end and beginning we couldn't fix the weekends for more participants. Sorry for that! I worry about the snowfall tomorrow.

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