Monday, February 1, 2010

at a butcher shop located in Dongdaemun, Seoul

29.5 x 21 cm, pen and watercolor

Today I went to Dongdaemun area. There I saw these bones at a butcher shop/restaurant named "Kangbagsa's meat department & Restaurant". While I was sketching the inside and wrapped bones in showcase the butcher showed interest and posed for me after knowing that I was sketching him. After finishing the sketching he came out to talk with me for a while.


  1. Wow,Great reality!
    Especially second paintng.
    꼬리쪽이 아주 튼실해 보입니다^^

  2. 뼈 색깔이 맑은 것이 입맛을 당기는군요
    늘 감동입니다
