Tuesday, May 18, 2010

photos on #27th sketchcrawl in Seoul

Lee Yong-hwan far left and Jung Un-ja by the sculpture

Park Jung-sook, Jung Un-ja, Koo Yoon-kyung, Yoo Byung-hwa from left at Seoul Museum of History

Park Jung-sook and Jung Un-ja were sketching at Sejong Center beside the sculpture

Koo Yoon-kyung at Sejong Center

Thank you all participants and your posting,

See you soon!


  1. 바쁘신 일정 중에 사진까지 찍으셨네요 저희가 해야 할 일인데요 다음엔 저희가 하겠습니다 사진도 작품 같습니다
    늘 감사합니다^^

  2. 함께 못해 미안합니다. 모두 아름다운 순간들이네요
