Wednesday, March 30, 2011

sketches in mart

A female staff from milk producer was offering small cups of milk to customers in mart.

A male staff was explaining how to use cutting utensil to customers to sell it.

I went to a big mart near my village by walk over one and a half hour. There I washed these ones seated on chairs in different floors more comfortably than in streets. I bought a blue jacket for coming spring.


  1. 정운자샘 말대로 정말 뭔가 변화가 느껴지네요. 물감을 바꾸셨나?? 어쨌든 더 좋습니다.

  2. 물감통을 가볍게하려고 색을 한정적으로 짰다는 것이고요. 그러다보니 색이 번잡스럽지않아 단순해보이는 것이 아닌가싶네요. 색이없으니 본래색(local color)도 무시하게되고요. 짐줄이려는 것이 변화의 요인인가봅니다요. 어제 오페라, 인디안 레드등 몇색 더짜넣으니 벌써 무거워지는 듯...^ ^
