Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sketching meetup at Cheonggyecheon, Seoul

sketch looking down the fall in stream, 35 x 25 cm

sketch looking to the direction of Cheonggye 2-ga

sketching the opposite of Gwanghwamun area

under the bridge over Cheonggyecheon stream
pastels on colored paper, 27 x 37.5 cm

traditional band playing at the stream
pencil, watercolor, 35 x 25 cm

Korean traditional musical band 
35 x 25 cm

new comer, Kate from Russia

guards in Korean traditional clothing

lunch time

exhibition on-the-spot

Cheonggyecheon has been the subject of water control projects since Joseon dynasty. The stream began to be covered around 1930. And high-level road over the covered way was finished on 1970. But the environmental pollution and old structure of the road had been raising matters about safety.  So the road was removed by two years' demolishing work from 2003 to 2005. Now 5.8 km section of the stream was recovered and changed into walking road and green area. 
It was very crowded by citizens and tourists after several days' raining. We enjoyed sketching too with 14 participants including new comers, Kate, John, and Lee Jeong-hee. Much thanks!


  1. 청계천은 구경만 다녔지 그려본 것은 처음이예요. 그리다보니 이전에는 안보였던 것들이 하나씩 보이네요.
    토요일 하루종일 즐거웠습니다.

  2. 맞습니다. 그리면서 청계천의 유래도 좀 일게 된 보람도 있었습니다. 저도 즐거웠어요.

  3. 그림속의 사람들이 정말 여유로워 보여요~
