Sunday, January 7, 2018

sketches around the Seoul Station and Seoul City Hall

panoramic view from the food court inside the Seoul Station, (26 x 37cm), 
pen and watercolor

a scene at the food court, (21 x 29.6cm), pen and watercolor

Seoul Plaza Ice Rink, (29.6 x 42cm), pen and watercolor

viewed from the Jeongdong Observatory, (29.6 x 42cm), pen and watercolor
Yesterday, we usk Seoul members met at the Seoul Station for the first sketch meeting this year. It was a bit cold to sketch outdoors from morning, we sketched around Food Court on the 3rd floor inside the Seoul Station. After lunch, I moved to the Seoul City Hall and the Jeongdong Observatory nearby. I sketched the fantastic scene of the ice rink in front of the city hall and the panoramic scene looking through the window on the 13th floor of the Jeongdong Observatory. It was a good sketch time in familiar places despite the cold weather.
새해를 맞아.. 서울역의 분주한 모습과 활기찬 아이스링크처럼
서울 어반스케쳐님들의 왕성한 스케치의 한해를 기원합니다~~


  1. 추운날씨에 스케이트장 그리기 위해 야외에서 고생하셨습니다. 빠른 펜선은 언제나 부럽습니다...

  2. 그림의 내용이 풍성합니다
    실제로 보고 있는 듯 하네요^^

  3. 추위 속이라도 그릴 땐 추위를 싸악 잊어버리지요~
    서울역 풍경도 예전에 그렸던 같은 앵글이지만 새로운 느낌으로 그렸습니다. 서울역과 시청 주변은 스케치 상설무대 같아요.

  4. 열정의 작품 즐겁게 감상합니다.

  5. 추위를 잊게하는 열정의 스케치시네요~^^
