Saturday, January 6, 2018

Sketches at the Seoul Station, Seoul Plaza, and Jeongdong Observatory

a soldier having lunch at the food court of Seoul Station, brush pen, pastels, A 4

a scene on 1st floor of Seoul Station, pencil, watercolor, A 4

ticket office on 1st floor, Seoul Station, pencil, watercolor, A 4

ice rink at Seoul Plaza, pen, pastels, A 4

big X-Mas tree at Seoul Plaza, pen, pastels, A 4

scenery of Deoksugung(Palace) seen from Jeongdong Observatory, pen, watercolor, A 4

visitors enjoying the beautiful scenery at the observatory, pencil, watercolor, A 4

It was still cold though sunny. Seoul station has been one of our favorite sketching places for its importance as the main railroad station to most of people in nation. It was always crowded with passengers. The new building built on 2003 has many convenient facilities such as big food court, convenience shops and connected to the big outlet. And passengers to go abroad can use Airport Railroad there. Above all passengers can have food seeing the urban scenery through big pane glasses. Of course we, sketchers, have chances to capture those scenes too. I visited there so many times for sketching but I still have lots of objects to draw by moving people and kinds of demonstrations held around the station. 
After lunch time we moved to Seoul city Hall together. I tried to draw skaters who were enjoying cold weather running on ice. It was very funny enough to see them. White ice and dark buildings surrounding the rink looked strong by contrast. 
For the cold weather it was not easy to keep sketching more I moved to the Jeongdong Observatory located nearby the Seoul City Hall. It's loved by citizens for its nice view from 13th floor, where we can see the Deoksugung and surrounding scenery including beautiful Anglican Church of Korea. Having tea in the cafe we had good time sketching together in winter day. Thank you all!

오늘 새해 첫 모임을 서울역, 시청광장, 정동 전망대에서 스케치를 함으로 시작했습니다. 
여전히 추운 날씨에 참여해주신 분들께 감사드림니다.

참여하신 분 : 이용환, 윤영숙, 이충근, 백경원, 최정은, 김미옥, 김선희(새로오신분), 유병화

수고 많으셨습니다. 


  1. 추운날씨에 사람들 챙기랴 그림그리랴 고생하셨습니다..그럼에도 불구하고 많이 그리셨네요.. 푸드코트 군인아저씨 인상적입니다...

  2. 서울역에서 보게 되는 젊은 군인들은 그냥 스쳐 가는 승객들과는 다르게 느껴집니다. 그저 무사히 군생활을 마치기를 기원하든 마음이 담깁니다. 혼자 식사힌면서 현드폰에서 눈을 떼지 못하는 모습을 그렸어요.

  3. 언제봐도 정감있는 색감입니다
    인물들이 특히 조아요^^

  4. 멋진 작품들 즐겁게 감상합니다.
    이번에는 꼭 참석하려고 벼르고 있습니다.
    새해 복 많이 받으십시오.

  5. 휴가나온 군인의 모습을 보니 예전 생각이 나네요
    정감이 느껴지는 작품들 즐감했습니다^^
