Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Sketches at the Nakwon Musical Instrument Arcade

A student with his sack on his back began to play the piano. 
pen, graphite, oil pastels, A 4

A young couple were enjoying to play the piano.
pen, watercolor, 25 x 25 cm

a guitar shop, graphite, pen, 17 x 25 cm

pen, water soluble crayons, 25 x 17 cm

An old man holding his trumpet dropped in the arcade with a box decorated  which was decorated with paper flowers and "unification of south and north Korea" letters were written on. His big black hat was decorated with colorful paper flowers too. Hearing his talk with the shop owner I just guessed that he played simple piece with that trumphet waiting people to put some money into the box. 

I was lucky to hear the shop owner play the musical instrument at the entrance door. 
pen, water soluble crayons, 17 x 25 cm

The Nakwon Musical Instrument Arcade is full of things related with music. IIt locates at downtown near Insa-dong, Seoul. I try to drop in there if possible to see the various kinds of musical instruments and to sketch too. When in lucky time I could meet nice musicians who were trying the instruments. It's really wonderful. Recently I found a small piano looking like grand piano but electric. Beside the piano there was a stand which said "Anybody can play the piano." So people who happened to pass it liked to sit and play a piece even short. Though they couldn't remember well they seemed to enjoy with their friends.  How would it be wonderful to play some great piece for the visitors to feel happy for a while! 

요즘 낙원 악기 상가에 자주 갑니다. 우선 춥지 않고 음악과 관련된 장소라 좋습니다. 2층 중간에 보니 작은 그랜드 피아노 모양의 전자 피아노가 있었습니다. 오가는 사람들이 자유로이 쳐도 좋다는 안내문도 있어서 지나가는 학생, 연인들, 나이드신 분들도 잠시 앉아 연주해 봅니다. 악기를 즉석에서 연주 할 수 있다면 얼마나 좋을까 부러운 마음을 갖습니다. 가끔 현란한 기타 연주도 듣고 피아노 곡도 듣게 됩니다. '남북통일' 이라는 글씨를 써넣은 상자를 가지고 이곳 저곳을 방문하는 어르신의 '기상나팔'소리도 들어 보는 재미난 장소입니다. 

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