Sunday, May 20, 2012

At Seochon village

Tongeui_dong,  watercolor,  A4

Baehwa girl's school,  watercolor,  A4

Sajig Park,  pencil, A4

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sketches at Seochon village, Jongno-ku, Seoul

Alcove of restaurant Oliva which locates close to the bus stop of Kyungbokgung station
charcoal, A 4

stone containers in front of the restaurant Oliva
pencil, A 4

guest house located at Tongeui-dong
pencil, A 4

Korean traditional houses are changed into western style building. But some houses keep their original style and use them as restaurants and cafes.
pencil, A 4

dog under the steel stairs at the parking lot of Tongeui-dong
pencil, A 4

at Baehwa girls' high school
pencil, watercolor, 30.5 x 22.9 cm

blue building Pilun-dong
pencil, watercolor, 30.5 x 22.9 cm

It was a real fine day. The village Seochon locates left of Kyungbokgung Palace where kings of Chosun Dynasty had lived. We moved through the narrow alleys of the traditional houses though some houses were changed into modern style buildings. Because the village locates near presidential residence, place, and governmental office buildings the village keeps being transformed into nice looking cafes, restaurants and galleries. We enjoyed the walking and sketching. Having lunch we went to Baehwa girls' middle, high school and college. Boys were playing football in the large playground. The campus was very beautiful with hundred years' brick buildings. Every time we find new shapes of the old villages. Thank you!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Myeongdong Cathedral Church

명동대성당문화축제 노영심의 피아노연주를 들으며
brush pen,pen,  15x21cm

Monday, May 14, 2012

Sketching in Korea by Florence Plissart from Belgium

The above sketches are of Florence Plissart from Belgium, who participated in last sketching session on May 5th, 2012. She was travelling after that day and sent mail today saying...

"Ihad a lovely time with you all and hope that we can meet again before I left Korea。 
I won't be in Seoul before May 23 though,and will
have to leave on May 29。 

I put some of my Korean sketches here on facebook.... "

You can see more in her facebook page

Florence Plissart drawn by Lee Yong Hwan

 On the way coming home YH Lee drew her portrait in subway and presented it to her. 
She was so glad that she said that she'd keep it preciously. 
We had enjoyed meeting and sketching together too.
Hope her staying in Korea to be memorable and exciting,
Nice to meet you, Florence,
Keep in touch to see you again,
Thank you! :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

a sketch for minutes

under construction at Doryum-dong, Gwanghwamun, Jongno-ku, Seoul
felt tip pens, A 4

Ready-mix truck left when I nearly finished.

Yesterday I had to pass the area by walk. Poles risen from two machinery caught my eye. Though I was busy I stopped and sketched for minutes. And I asked an engineer to take a picture for me. Colorful felt-tip pens were useful in such case.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

sketches around Anyang Art park by Mun Sang-hee

Thanks for a great time on yesterday(May 5, 2012).  

1. Park from Shilla dynasty, A3, 2B pencil  I tried to capture the quietness of the place, but ran out of time!

 2. Anyang Cheon, A3, 2B pencil I drew this right after meeting Florence from Belgium. I really enjoyed looking at children playing, celebrating May 5th, Children's Day in Seoul.

I had to leave early, so I couldn't get to say goodbye to Changman, or Mr. Choi, but I had a good time.  I enjoyed meeting everyone,and hope to see you all next time! :) 

Monday, May 7, 2012

some sketches around Anyang Art Park

a fun building in front of the Gwanak Station, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.5cm

YuYu Industrial building, scheduled to remodel into Kim Joong-eop museum, pen and watercolor, 24.5 x 35,2cm 
YuYu industrial factory, designed by Architect Kim Joong-eop at first, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.5cm 

a scenery of old fashioned factory buildings, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.5cm 

 Multi-faceted Masterpiece, Alvaro Siza Hall, pen and watercolor, 24.5 x 35.2cm 

a side view of Alvaro Siza Hall in the park, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.5cm

an observatory building, designed by MVRDV located at the summit of the park, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.5cm 
looking up at inside the observatory, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.5cm

overlooking the park scenery from the obsevatory, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.5cm 

open-air stage connected to the sky bridge, 21 x 29.5cm
The Anyang Art Park is located near Gwanak Mountain, about equal distance from Gwanak Station, and Anyang Station, in the city of Anyang just south of the capital Seoul, Korea. The Park set in a wooded valley along the northeast edge of Anyang, and has a lot of interesting formative arts, famous buildings, some cultural properties, well-maintained Buddhist temples, and so on.
Last Saturday, and besides Children's day, the weather was so good for outdoor sketching mixed with crowd and nature. Seoul urban sketchers, including four new comers, had a pleasant sketch time in the fantastic art park. I sketched variegated sceneries around the park to my heart's content excitingly.
Thanks to Choi Seung-won for kind invitation and sharing a meaningful time with all!.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

sketches around Anyang Art Park by Choi Seung-won

오름(ascending), MVRDV Observatory building located at summit of the park
watercolor, crayons, A 4

후문, rear entrance of Alvaro Siza Hall at Anyang Art park
watercolor, crayons, A 4

Drawings in Anyang

Anyang Art Park
watercolor  A4

Formerly YuYu industrial company
watercolor  A4