Showing posts with label exhibition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exhibition. Show all posts

Thursday, July 16, 2015

two sketches at the Gwangjin bridge, Hangang(Han River)

iron structure underneath of the Gwangjin bridge seen from the Riverview 8th Avenue gallery, pencil, watercolor, 27.5 x 39 cm

scenery of the north end of the Gwangjin bridge, pencil, watercolor, 27.5 x 39 cm

placard hung on the bridge rail for promoting of the exhibition under the name of Seoul Daily life Sketch

MK Kim prepared all these photos introducing the purpose and activity of our blog.

See the water flowing under the gallery!

Kim Mikyung

Lee Yong Hwan is painting the scenery seen from the observatory space on the Arche paper(54 x 71 cm) in spite of terrible wind blowing of typhoon. 

Today we(MK Kim, YH Lee, & BH Yoo) opened a small scale exhibition at the Riverview 8th Avenue in Gwangjin bridge of Han River. The gallery locates underneath of the bridge at 8th pier. As seen in the above photos you can see the water flowing under the glass floor of the gallery. One may feel fear when walking up and down the stairs to enter the gallery. I couldn't walk over the glass. But the beautiful scenery around the place presents a very special experience to visitors, especially at night. Small scale concert or proposal event for lovers are prepared for citizens in event hall. 

I sketched two pieces though the wind blew terribly by typhoon. I thank MK Kim so much for her careful efforts for the perfect exhibit. The bridge is loved by citizens for walking or riding bicycles. People can take rest sitting on the benches prepared along the bridge rails or on steps of observatory space. Of course sketchers can have lots of subjects to capture. 

We hope lots of citizens and sketchers visiting the gallery to enjoy our works and share the familiarity in sketches of the places we live together. 

어제 늦은 시간에 전시 준비를 끝내고 오늘 다시 방문해서 낮 풍경을 감상하고 스케치를 했어요. 태풍으로 바람이 그야말로 장난이 아니었지만 햇살이 좋아서 그림그리기는 좋았습니다. 특이한 구조물의 갤러리라 관광삼아 오시는 분들이 많았어요. 발아래 흐르는 물을 배경으로 사진도 찍고 무서워서 발도 못대는 여성분을 잡아끄는 남성분의 장난기도 심심찮게 봅니다. 비치해 놓은 방명록에도 스케치동아리 하시는 분, 문학하시는 분들도 글을 남기고 가셨더군요. 스케치가 접근과 이해하기 쉬워서인지 친근하게 느끼시는 것같습니다.  작은 규모의 전시회지만 큰 공감을 나누었으면 하는 마음으로 전시기간 중 자주 가서 그림도 그리고 관객과의 대화도 갖는 기회로 삼고 싶습니다. 관심있는 분들의 방문을 기다립니다. 
이번 전시회를 계획하시고 크고 작은 준비에 담긴 정성과 배려에 대해 김미경선생님께 감사드립니다. 앞으로도 좋은 그림 많이 그리시기 바랍니다!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

전시회 소식 알립니다.

전시회소식 알립니다. ^^
최근에 그린 그림들 모아서 유병화샘, 이용환샘과 함께 스케치전 합니다.

전시명: 3인스케치전 <서울일상>
날짜: 7월 16일(목)에서 22일(수)
시간: 오전10시 ~ 오후10시
장소: 서울 광진교8번가 전시장

오시는 길:
교통 조금 불편해요. 한강다리 중간까지 걸으셔야 하거든요. 인기있는 데이트코스니까 애인하고 같이 오셔요~
1.차 가지고 오시면 광진교 근처 한강공원주차장에 주차하시고 걸어오셔요.
2.지하철 이용하시면 5호선 광나루역 2번출구로 나오셔서 1km, 15분 정도 걸으시면 돼요.

원래 제가 개인전하려고 점찍어뒀던 장소인데 올해 대관승인을 받았답니다. 그런데 공공장소의 기능을 고려하여 방침상 개인전보다는 그룹전을 권유하셔서 두 분께 급히 도움요청드려 3인전을 하게 되었습니다. 장소가 좁아 모든 분들 함께  하지못해 죄송한 마음입니다. 다음에 더 넓고 좋은 장소에서 모든 멤버들 함께 하는 서울어반스케쳐스 전시회도 소망해 봅니다.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

small space in the Ara Artcenter, Insa-dong, Seoul

brush pen, watercolor, A 4

I visited the ARA ARTCENTER located at Insa-dong, Seoul two days ago to see an exhibit of Kim Joon-kwon. It was impressive by lots of print works(180 pieces) and his oil painting(20 pieces). I spent several hours to appreciate and copy some of his works. But the small space seen through large pane glassof the hall caught my eye too. I drew one using brush pen and watercolor. The exhibit will end tomorrow.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

visiting the exhibition, "개항장 인천의 풍광" (Scenery of Incheon as an Open Port) by Artist Kim Jae Youl (김재열), Incheon

Lee Yong Hwan, Korea-China Cultural Center (한중문화관), Jung-gu, Incheon
pen and watercolor, A 4

Lee Yong Hwan, Incheon Art Platform complex (인천 아트 플랫폼), 
ball point pen and watercolor, A 4

Korea-China cultural center building

Artists, Kim Jae Youl and Lee Yong Hwan at the exhibition hall, 
1st floor of the Korea-China Cultural Center

Old buildings were remodeled as cultural space for arts and culture. 

site map for the Incheon Art Platform complex

Yoo Byung Hwa, Building C at the Incheon Art Platform complex near the Korea-China Cultural Center, pen and watercolor, 19.5 x 27 cm

Yoo Byung Hwa, Korea-China Cultural Center, pen and watercolor, 19.5 x 27 cm

YH Lee and I went to Incheon to see the exhibition of Artist Kim Jae Youl, which was held in Korea-China Cultural center, Jung-gu. We met him and enjoyed his great works. Most of them were about the features of Incheon spanning 120 years. Incheon port was opened on 1883 for the first time in Korea. We liked his recent works too. The exhibit will be on from Dec. 18 -  Dec. 31, 2013. Across the building Incheon Art Platform complex was created. Most buildings had been used as office, factory, or else of private companies previously. But they were transformed into good space for exhibition, education, and performance theater. We visited Modern Architecture Museum located nearby. Historical modern buildings were exhibited as miniatures in the museum. Incheon has lots of treasure as a great sketching place for its historical importance as the open port. Hope that Seoul sketchers go there for sketching them. 

오늘 이용환샘과 인천 한중문화관에서 열리는 김재열선생님의 "개항장 인천의 풍광" 전시회를 보고 왔습니다. 120 여년에 걸친 인천 개항 후의 모습을 담은 역작들을 감상하고 선생님도 만나 뵙고 설명도 들을 수 있어서 좋았습니다. 전시 감상후에 가까이에 있는 근대건축박물관도 방문하고 부근을 스케치하였구요. 늘 가던 인천이지만 새로이 변모된 인천 아트 플랫폼이 인상깊었어요. 차후에 서울 스케쳐들과 함께 방문하여 이곳 저곳을 그려봤으면 싶었습니다.
시간되시면 전시회 방문하시면 좋겠습니다.

Friday, March 22, 2013

video of the 4th exhibition of Seoul Urban Sketchers at Dasom Gallery in Songpa Public Library

지난번 전시회에서 찍은 비디오입니다. 도구없이 찍어서 많이 흔들립니다만 기록으로 남기게 되어 보람이 있습니다. 전시참여하시느라 수고많으셨어요.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

lovely sketch by Chun So-jeong at a small library

천소정, 작은도서관 풍경, 색연필, B 4

이번에 함께 전시한 천소정씨의 도서관 풍경 그림입니다. 
책, 등, 책보는 어린이등 도서실내의 모습에 미소가 지어집니다. 
The work drawn by Chun So-jeong who participated in this exhibition with her two other works makes me smile imagining the interior scenery in a small children's library. 
Thank you So-jeong! 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

photos on the opening day of 4th exhibition, 제 4회 서울 도심 스케치전시회, 송파도서관 다솜 갤러리

전시에 참여하신 작가 (이용환, 최승원, 정경원, 황화숙, 유해림, 김미경, 이규황, 천소정, 유병화) 여러분들의 출품과 수고에 감사드립니다. 그동안의 결실들을 보면서 보람되고 기쁜 마음입니다. 관심있는 분들의 방문과 참여를 기다립니다. 감사합니다!

Much thanks to the nine sketchers, Lee Yong Hwan, Choi Seung Won, Jung Kyoung Won, Hwang Hwa Sook, Yoo Hae Lim, Kim Mi Kyung, Lee Kyu Hwang, Chun So Jeong, Yoo Byung Hwa, in this 4th exhibition! We feel so glad looking the results. Also we wait for many sketchers to join us some day. Thank you all!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pen sketches at Namsan Library

at the journal room of the library

at the entrance of the library
8 x 16 cm

On the last day of exhibition at the library gallery I sketched in and out.
Thank you all the participants and the visitors who dropped in.
Your encouraging comments will be appreciated so much.
We'll keep sketching all the year,
Hope you to visit our blog often,

Sunday, February 12, 2012

sketches at Namsan Library Gallery, yesterday once more

Many readers of the library dropped in to appreciate works, so special and fresh exhibit by their saying. Some passed by and others looked at the works staying longer. And we could meet a real sketcher, Mr. Ji, who promised to join us soon. Welcome!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sketches at the Namsan Lirary Gallery - The 3rd Exhibition of Seoul Urban Sketchers, 서울 도심 스케치전

A 4

Interview by Internet TV CNM 

오늘 당번 서면서 방문객이 뜸할 때에는 실내 풍경을 그렸어요. 오후에 인터넷 지역방송 CNM 에서 '우리 동네 최고' 프로그램에 남산 도서관을 다루는 편에 갤러리도 포함시켜서 우리 모임의 성격에 대해 안내를 했구요. 오늘도 모임에 참여하려는 분들이 계셨습니다. 

(I sketched inside sceneries of the gallery while keeping and guiding at the gallery. In the afternoon I talked about our activities and purposes to the reporter of CNM Internet TV, which was scheduled by the library for the program of introducing the local villages.. They said the program will be broadcasted three weeks later.)