Showing posts with label Insa-dong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Insa-dong. Show all posts

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Sketches around Insa-dong, Jongno

scenery of the alley by the side of the Nagwon Musical Instrument shopping mall,
brush pen, watercolor crayon, watercolor, 40 x 27 cm

a couple and a piano at the Maru building, 
pen and watercolor, 40 x 27 cm

a family taking a photo at Noindang of Unhyeongung, 
sepia conte, oil pastels, 40 x 27 cm

big jars at Gyeongin Gallery garden, 
pencil and watercolor, 17.5 x 27.5 cm

women talking at the Gyeongin Gallery garden, 
pencil and watercolor, 17.5 x 27.5 cm

It was a little cold and cloudy but not terrible. There are so many nice places around the area such as Jogyesa temple, Unhyeongung palace, big musical instrument shopping mall, Bukchon Hanok village, and so on. Naturally lots of group tourists visit there. Streets are full of citizens and visitors. But nice sketching spots are there. And it's another joy to find them among crowded town. 

오늘 날이 흐리고 추웠지만 손이 얼 정도는 아니라 다행이었어요. 일찍 도착해서 텅빈 인사동 거리를 거닐며 경인 갤러리에 도착했더니 '이수억 탄생 100주년 기념전'이 열리고 있었어요. 귀한 그림들을 감상할 수 있어서 정말 좋았습니다. 이층에서 그분의 많은 드로잉과 스케치를 영상으로 볼 수 있어서 더욱 뜻깊었습니다. 
안사아트센터 5층 테라스에서 그림 강상을 하고 하루의 스케치를 마쳤습니다. 참여하신 분들 반가왔습니다. 

Monday, January 22, 2018

Sketches at Jongno Tower building, Seoul

a cityscape viewed from the 20th floor, (29.6 x 42cm), pen and watercolor

a scene of Insa-dong viewed from the 20th floor, (29.6 x 42cm), pen and watercolor  

a scene of Jongno Bookstore, basement 2nd floor, (29.6 x 42cm), pen and watercolor

a street scene  in front of  the Jongno Tower, (29.6 x 42cm), pencil

a scene around Bosingak Pavilion viewed from the 8th floor, (21 x 29.6cm), pen

Last Saturday, it was cold weather for sketching outdoors. Besides the fine dust has covered Seoul in recent days. Seoul urban sketchers met at Jongno Tower, a landmark building in downtown Seoul, and sketched comfortably inside the modern building. 
It was a weekend, so the office floors of the building were vacant and quiet to sketch without interruption. I sketched the spectacular scenes looking down through the window on the 8th and 20th floor inside the 33-story glass building. After lunch, I sketched an interior scene of the Jongno Bookstore, basement 2nd floor, and an outdoor scene in front of  the Jongno Tower. 
Thanks all participants for having a pleasant sketch time!

새해맞아 여러날 추위와 미세먼지가 도시를 덮었어도
종로타워의 내부공간은 스케치의 온실 같았습니다.

창밖으로 내려다보는 도시경관은 방향과 높이에 따라서 
천양각색의 형태와 색조의 흐름이 다양하게 전개되고

하루하루 조금씩 변하면서 투명하게 다가오는 모습들이 
서울의 살아있는 모습을 비추는 거울처럼 느껴집니다~~ 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

sketches around Jongno-gu office

a streetscape in Susong-dong(수송동), 29.6 x 42cm

Jongno-gu office(종로구청), 29.6 x 42cm

installing signboard in new office building(간판설치중), 26 x 37cm

Sejong Center for the Performing Arts(세종문화회관), 29.6 x 42cm

a street scene of Anguk-dong(안국동), 26 x 37cm

a scenery of Insa-dong (인사동) viewed from the Nagwon building, 29.6 x 42cm

( pen, pencil and watercolor )
For the last few days, I kept sketching various scenes in the center of Jongno to prepare for the exhibition. The colorful streetscapes around Jongno-gu office attracted my attention.
I sketched some buildings along the old streets in Jongno, downtown Seoul.
I was absorbed in midsummer sketching and cooled off from the heat with a cup of iced coffee.
주중 며칠간 점심시간을 이용해서 뜨거운 종로 한복판에 그늘과 시원한 곳을 찾아
펜대와 수채물감, 연필가루 날리며~~ 냉커피 한잔에 땀을 식히면서
새로운 소재들과 마주하며 "스케치 피서"를 즐겼습니다.

Monday, July 10, 2017

weekend sketches at Jongno

 Topgoal Art Center(탑골미술관) in Seoul Senior Welfare Center,  29.6 x 42cm

a scenery of Insa-dong viewed from Anguk-dong Mcdonald's,  36 x 51cm

an old street scene near Tapgoal Park (탑골공원) viewed from inside 
the Nagwon building(낙원빌딩),  36 x 51cm

indoor scene of the senior movie theater(실버극장) located at 4th floor 
of the Nagwon building,  26 x 37cm

a scenery of Jogyesa Temple(조계사),  26 x 37cm

street scene of Gongpyeong-dong(공평동),  26 x 37cm
(pen, pencil and watercolor)
The rainy season began. Last weekend, despite the bad weather to sketch outdoors, I tried to draw new subjects I didn't sketched before around Jongno. 
During rains, I sketched some old street scenes and an indoor scene inside the Nagwon building and the Mcdonald's. And after rain, I sketched outside the Topgoal Art Center where we'll exhibit next month. I'll continue working on my sketches around Jongno in my spare times.
무더운 날씨에 여름장마까지 겹쳐 온갖 시끌버끌 북적거리는 종로이지만, 
소재를 찾아 탐구하며 그리기에는 잘 정돈된 시가지보다 참으로 매력있는 장소입니다.
그동안 도심을 수없이 그렸지만 안그린 장면을 찾아보면 볼수록 소재가 무궁무진합니다.
이번 전시회는 무심히 스쳐버리는 주변을 소중히 챙겨보는 좋은 계기가 될 것 같습니다. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

sketches at Ssamziegil, Insa-dong in Seoul

Ssamziegil building viewed from Ganainsa Art Center on the opposite side

main entrance of Ssamziegil building 

surrounding buildings beyond the Ssamziegil

open-air rooftop cafe in Ssamziegil building

portrait of Mr. William 
( 21x 29.6cm sketchbook,  pen, pencil, watercolor )
I often go to Insa-dong (인사동) for enjoying sketch in my spare time, because there are a lot of subject matters for sketching all over the place. Last Saturday, I joined in sketch meeting with William at Ssamziegil(쌈지길) building which is one of the famous tourist attractions in Insa-dong. After sketching around Ssamziegil, we moved to McDonald's for tea. During our conversation I sketched a portrait of William and presented him in memory of sketch meeting.
전통문화와 갤러리, 맛집 먹거리와 관광객들...
인산인해 사이사이로 길거리 이벤트가 흥을 돋구고
각양각색의 언어와 색상의 물결은 살아있는 소음과 함께
배경음악처럼~~ 스케치를 위한 상설무대와 같이 느껴집니다.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Sketches at Insa-dong

scenery seen from the 5th floor terrace of Insa Art Center

street shops seen from the entrance steps of Insa Art Center

young couple taking picture at Insadong Maru building
pastels, pen, colored paper 26 x 37 cm

William, JH Yi, and YH Lee

JH Lee

It was cloudy a little. I kept pastels instead of watercolor worrying about rain. Tourists and visitors made the street lively even it was 10 am. Insa-dong is one of the historic and cultural town around Gyeongbokgung(palace). The area is mixed with newly built low buildings and old Korean traditional style houses. I drew the irregular features compared to the high-risen buildings in rows at planned area of Gangnam. The Insa street is full of tourists and visitors always. The main street is blocked off from traffic. So people walk freely visiting galleries and enjoying shopping. 
After having lunch I went up to the Insadong Maru building which opened two years ago. In the middle space to 2nd floor there were colorful benches and an upright piano for the visitors to play. I chose red color bench to sketch. And a young couple sat for taking picture. 
The Ssamzie building was full of visitors. So many kinds of shops caught my eye. I enjoyed looking at goods. It became somewhat windy in the afternoon. We moved to McDonalds to see our works. There YH Lee sketched William and presented him. He liked so much. We shared opinions about sketching and art too. 

William, JH Yi, and YH Lee, thank you very much for sharing nice time!

오늘 오전중에 비가 온다는 예보에 수채보다는 마른 재료가 좋을 듯하여 파스텔만 챙겨갔어요. 조용한 인사아트센터 5층에서 그림 한장 하고 내려와서 한장 더 하고 점심 후에 마루빌딩에서 한장 했습니다. 언제나 생동감 넘치는 인사동은 스케치 거리가 넘칩니다. 아침에 감기약까지 먹고 간지라 몇장 못그렸어요. 그림도 체력이 많이 필요한 작업입니다.

윌리엄이 내년 2월에 한국을 떠나기에 이달 마지막 토요일인 11월 26일(November 26th, Saturday)에 서울역 3층 후드코트(3rd floor Food Court of Seoul Station)에서 그리기로 했습니다.  오전 10시 30분부터 그림 시작합니다. 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참석바랍니다.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Sketch meetup on November 5th, 2016


지난 토요일의 스케치 모임에 참석하신 윌리엄과 함께 스케치하는 기회를 마련했습니다. 시일이 촉박한 듯합니다만 점점 추워지는 날씨인지라 이른 날짜로 정했습니다. 
누구나 당일 오셔서 참여할 수 있으며 도구는 각자 사용하는 것을 가져오시면 됩니다. 관심있는 분들의 많은 참여 기다립니다.

날짜 : 2016년 11월 5일, 토요일
장소 : 인사동 쌈지길과 주변 
만나는 장소 : 오전 10시 30분, 인사아트센터 5층 테라스
점심 시간 : 12시 30분, 주변 식당
마침 장소 : 오후 3시 30분, 쌈지길빌딩 옥상 

We'd like to have a good chance to sketch with William again at Insa-dong on November 5th . The meeting place is 5th floor terrace of Insa Art Center. We'll start from 10:30 am. After having lunch on 12:30 pm we'll continue sketching. And we have an on-the-spot show at the rooftop of Ssamziegil building on 3:30 pm. 
Hope anybody who has interest in sketching to join us!
See you soon!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A part of a big building, Ssamzigil, Insa-dong

19 x 25 cm

I often go to Insa Art Center to see exhibited works there. I go up to 6th floor by elevator and walk down to the ground by walk. And I stop at a wonderful terrace on 5th floor with nice views around the building. Across the Insadong street we can look a big building from the ground to the rooftop with lawn and trees. We can see people come and go shopping and taking rest here and there and walking the rounding ramps. Through the year we see different features by changing colors of trees. The building is always crowded by tourists from the world. I just cut that complicated scene vertically to simplify my drawing. 

지난 주에 인사아트센터를 방문하고 늘 들르는 5층 테라스에서 쌈지길 빌딩을 일부 그렸습니다. 날씨는 워낙 후덥지근했지만 그 테라스가 비오면 도구펴기가 어려운지라 참고 그렸어요. 항상 생동감이 넘치는 곳이라 변화무쌍한 모습이 그려볼만했습니다. 전시작품들도 보고 그림도 한점하고 일석이조였습니다.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

small space in the Ara Artcenter, Insa-dong, Seoul

brush pen, watercolor, A 4

I visited the ARA ARTCENTER located at Insa-dong, Seoul two days ago to see an exhibit of Kim Joon-kwon. It was impressive by lots of print works(180 pieces) and his oil painting(20 pieces). I spent several hours to appreciate and copy some of his works. But the small space seen through large pane glassof the hall caught my eye too. I drew one using brush pen and watercolor. The exhibit will end tomorrow.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

43rd World Wide SketchCrawl around Insa-dong, Seoul

front view of Ssamziegil building

main entrance of Ssamziegil building

viewed from open corridor on the 5th floor in Ssamziegil building

artist drawing a caricatures of visitors

 a scenery of nearby buildings 

Chundogyo's Central Headquarters

Irodang (이로당 Women's quarter) at Unhyeongung Palace
pen and watercolor, ( 21 x 29.6cm sketchbook )
Last Saturday, we Seoul usk members met at Ssamziegil building( 쌈지길 빌딩) which is a famous tourist attraction in Insa-dong on 43rd World Wide SketchCrawl. The building is so interesting with an open-air structure that contains five floors. Its floors are slightly sloped like spiral, allowing visitors to go between floors without using stairs. We sketched around the fantastic building with the crowded people, and after lunch we moved to nearby cultural properties constructed with traditional style. We sketched at Chundogyo's Central Headquarters(천도교 중앙 대교당) and Unhyeongung Palace (운현궁) harmoniously. I had a delightful sketch time with Seoul usk members all day long.
쌈지길은 인사동의 인사동이라고도 불리울 만큼 새로운 명물이 되었습니다. 그 주변의 많은 관광객들로 북적이는 전통 가게들과 찻집, 수많은 갤러리들이 서울의 문화관광명소로 가치를 높혀가고~~인근의 운현궁과 천도교 중앙 대교당 및 수운회관...은 전통과 근대 문화적 가치를 지닌 도심의 오아시스요, 스케쳐들에게는 작은 보석과 같은 장소들입니다.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

43rd World Wide SketchCrawl around Insa-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Ssamziegil building seen from the entrance, pencil, pastels, A 4

visitors taking photos on rooftop of the Ssamziegil building, pen, pastels, A 4

village seen from Ssamziegil building, conte, pastels, A 4

Chundogyo church, conte, watercolor, 25 x 25 cm

lunch time

The weather was fine but very windy. We started sketching from the Ssamziegil building located at Insa-dong. 12 sketchers participated in this crawl including four new comers, Kim Hyo-jin, Lee Ji-hye, Lee kyu-young, and Kim Ho-nam. After lunch we moved to the Chundogyo church. The wind was so strong that we should grasp the sketch book tightly. Many thanks to YS Yun for the cups of hot coffee for the attendants! We ended sketchCrawl at the Unhyeongung across the church. It was the residence of the father of Go-jong, the 26th king of Joseon dynasty (1392-1910), where the king was born on 1852. 
Thank you all the participants : 
YH Lee, JW Park, YS Yun, SH Kim, HM Ham, KJ Hur, SJ Lee, and new comers!

날씨는 맑았으나 바람이 세차서 처음 나오신 분들께서 많이 힘드셨을거에요. 많은 인파가 몰리는 주말의 인사동에서 스케치한 것이 커다란 경험이 되었을 것이구요. 쌈지길은 특이한 건물 구조로 보는 장소마다 그림거리가 되어 항시 좋은 스케치 장소라 할 수 있습니다. 복잡한 쌈지길 스케치를 마치고 점심식사후 천도교 중앙대교당에 이어 길 건너 운현궁에서 스케치를 마감하였습니다. 너른 평상에 각자의 그림들을 펴고 감상을 한후 43차 월드 와이드 스케치크롤 행사를 마쳤습니다. 

세월호의 많은 실종자가 아직 구조되지않아 온 국민이 극도의 슬픔중에 있는 때에 
스케쳐들 또한 그들의 무사생환을 바라는 마음으로 스케치에 임했으며 
참여하신 모든 분들께 감사 드립니다.