Showing posts with label Buam-dong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Buam-dong. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Watercolor sketches at Buam-dong village, Seoul

a panorama of Buam-dong village, pencil and watercolor, (54 x 72cm)

a street scene of Baekseokdong-gil viewed from the cafe, pen and watercolor, 
(36 x 51cm)

a street scene of Changuimun-ro viewed from the cafe, pen and watercolor pencil, 
(36 x 51cm)

photo by Daniel Thomas Faller

The weather was very clear last Saturday, especially it was the first sketch meeting in four months after Corona19, so the atmosphere of the meeting place was full of vitality. Buam-dong, a beautiful village, is a small tourist attraction that I often visit and sketch because it is close to my home and has various painting elements. The village, which has the rural atmosphere of Bukaksan Mountain and Inwangsan Mountain hills, is filled with many sketching elements, including famous food restaurants, cafes, modern galleries, and registered cultural assets. 
In the morning, I sat on the stone steps looking at Bukhansan Mountain in the distance, and began to paint a panoramic view of the village where high and low houses were harmonized. I drew a watercolor on a large piece of paper. When drawing on a larger piece of paper than on a small piece of paper previously drawn, it was certainly beneficial in many ways because it allowed more observation and concentration on the subject. 
After lunch, I leaned over the table on the second floor of the cafe(Club Espresso) and sketched the various street views over the window in a comfortable atmosphere. I usually use pens and watercolors, but I think it's good to enjoy different flavors of atmosphere, sometimes using a variety of colored pencils, pastels, and markers, and so forth. Buam-dong is a small and cute village, but it is also a good place to sketch for new challenges to various objects and materials.

코로나19로 인해 어반스케치의 제약을 받아 온 날들은
더더욱 현장그림의 소중함을 크게 깨닫게 해주는 계기 같습니다.
부암동은 명산과 둘레길, 볼거리와 먹거리 카페의 핫 플레이스~

빈티지와 현대미, 예술과 전통 문화가 자연스레 어우러지고
명징한 하늘아래 구비구비 골목길.. 다양한 색들의 변주곡을 들으면서
북악의 호연지기를 마시며 5월의 부암동 스케치에 취해봅니다.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Sketches on colored paper

scenery with a white building(Dongyang Mill) located ,at Buam-dong,
white chalk, pastels on black colored paper, 30 x 42 cm

Sketcher, Leeky at the cafe "Club Espresso" at Buam-dong, 
white chalk, water soluble pastel pencils, 30 x 42 cm

scenery with Inner Ring Road at Hongje-dong along Hongjecheon stream,
white chalk, pastels, 29 x 40 cm

old village along the Hongjecheon(stream) near the Okcheonam(temple),
white chalk, pastels, 30 x 42 cm

scenery at Geumsunsa(temple, Jongno-gu,
white chalk, 29 x 40 cm

Daniel Thomas Faller from Switzerland joined us.

Last Saturday we've had a regular meeting after months' rest due to COVID-19. So many young sketchers and old members gathered at the beautiful village, Buam-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul. And Daniel whom I met at the Geumsunsa joined too. Thank you!

These days I like to use body colored paper with white chalk. The results look like print. Making a print piece needs lots of efforts and process. But white chalk and colored paper gives vicarious pleasure simply. Above all dark paper makes me feel at ease without reflecting effect of strong sunlight. The bottom one done at Geumsunsa caught the interest of the nun(monk) saying "This looks like a print!". Of course I hoped her to begin drawing.

On the way of going to Inwang Market located at Hongje-dong in order to buy garlic I dropped in park along the Hongjecheon stream to draw more on black paper. People wearing masks walk, run, ride bicycles with their friends and kids following a trail. Fortunately I found a big parasol with good benches and stone table. Without them I might not be able to doodle even. Good season came for sketching despite of the fearful infection. 

Wish you to be safe and see you soon!

오랜 만에 가진 모임에 많은 분들의 참여로 매우 활기가 넘쳤고 오후에 전시된 작품들은 장관이었습니다. 새로 오신 분들도 앞으로 열심히 동참하셔서 자신만의 그림 세계를 펴나가시면 좋겠습니다. 나누어 주신 로고도 참으로 예뻐서 소중히 간직하겠구요. 수고하신 분들께 감사드립니다. 

요즘 검은 종이에 희색 초크로 그림그리는 것에 아주 매료되어 자꾸 그리고 싶어집니다. 어찌 보면 판화같기도 하여 쉽게 판화 기분을 내는 멋도 있는 듯합니다. 얼마 전 금선사에서 파스텔 안쓰고 그린 후 지난 모임에서 두장 그리고 어제 인왕시장에 마늘 사러 가다가 홍제천변에서 두장 더했습니다. 날씨가 좋아 길에 앉에서도 물없이 쉽게 그릴 수 있어 멋진 색을 더 사서 그려봐야지 하는 마음이 들기 까지 합니다. 

일기가 그림그리기에 매우 좋으나 감염우려로 활동이 제한적인 것이 아쉽습니다만 환경에 적은하여 방법을 찾아보면 길이 나오리라고 생각합니다. 다음 모임때까지 건강히 지내시고 작업 많이 하시기 바랍니다.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

More sketches at Buam-dong

pencil, watercolor, 30.5 x 40.5 cm

conte, pastels, 30.5 x 40.5 cm

pen, watercolor, 39 x 27 cm

These are the drawings I'd done days before the sketchcrawl day, April 22nd. I surveyed there several times for the meetup. And I drew some every time. There were so many places which caught my eyes. Most of the sketchers who visited there agreed and wanted to sketch them again. I felt sorry that we couldn't visit the Baeksasil village which keeps the original scenery of countryside. We may have chance to capture all those beautiful scenes next time. 

부암동은 가까이 살면서도 늘 스쳐지나갔던 아름다운 마을입니다. 이번 기회에 스케치를 할 수 있어 숙제를 한듯한 느낌입니다. 아직 해야할 숙제가 많기는 하지만요. 욕심내지 말고 천천히 한장씩 그려보려고 합니다. 늘 함께 해주시는 스케쳐 여러분들께 감사드립니다.

Monday, April 24, 2017

55th World Wide SketchCrawl at Buam-dong (부암동)

Changuimun Gate (창의문)

Mugyewon 무계원 (Former Ojinam 오진암)

the front view of Jahamun Tunnel (자하문 터널)

the panoramic view of Buam-dong village

Seoul Museum (서울미술관)

Buam-dong street scene viewed from Seoul Museum
(26 x 37cm sketchbook, pen and watercolor)
Last Saturday, it was fine to sketch outdoors. For the 55th World Wide SketchCrawl, we Seoul urban sketchers met at Buam-dong, Jongno-gu in Seoul. Buam-dong is a charming village in central Seoul that was once occupied mostly by artists and writers. 
Today, modern galleries, coffee shops, and restaurants stand side by side with old mills and barber shops on the narrow alleyways. The historic village harmonizes with Bugaksan Mountain and Inwangsan Mountain, and is famous for various tourist attractions.
On the morning of SketchCrawl day, for some unavoidable reasons, I couldn't help joining with sketchers in the afternoon. The day before, I visited for preliminary survey and drew some sketches in advance. I was absorbed in sketching colorful sceneries of important places here and there around Buam-dong village till late in the afternoon. It was very pleasant sketch time in the beautiful village with Seoul usk members.
인왕산 기슭의 아름다운 동네~~
서울 한복판의 전원마을엔 역사의 향기가 감돌고...
예술과 멋과 맛의 흥취를 담고 자연속에 건강함을 선사하는
부암동의 다양하고 재미난 요소들은 스케치 소재로서 일품입니다.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

55th World Wide SketchCrawl

Women were choosing a jar. By BH Yoo

By John Lee

By John Lee

By Min Jeong Sook

By Choi Jong Suk

By Kim Hae Won

It was a fine day though hot under the sun. Some were old pals and some were new. The Buam-dong is one of the oldest village in Seoul with beautiful mountains such as Inwangsan, Bugaksan and Bughansan. It is not far from the Blue House and Gyeongbokgung(palace). Seoul fortress walls are surrounding. We can walk along the wall looking down the villages. Lots of citizens and tourists visit the wall. Small coffee shops and restaurants are located along the small alleys. Sketchers enjoyed all day drawing sights here and there while some were sharing talks under the parasols having tea. Life is long; we don't need to hurry to capture all at one time. We gather and draw what we observe and share all about we dream living together. 
Much thanks for all : Min Jeong Sook, Choi Jong Suk, Andy Oh, John Lee, Han Jung Sun, Kim Hae Won, Baik Kyung Won, Jung Young Kyeong, Han Mi Young, Choi Sung Ye, Joung Young Hee, Yi Ji Hyun, Kang Eun Young Eunice, Lee Yong Hwan, BH Yoo. 
Hope to see you next month! 

55th World Wide SketchCrawl page 를 방문하시고 지구촌 스케쳐들의 작품을 감상하시기 바랍니다. 

오늘 좋은 날씨에 많은 분들이 참여해주셔서 감사했습니다. 스케치가 많이 알려져서 간단한 도구로 커다란 즐거움을 얻는 기회를 나누는 듯합니다. 오랜만에 만난 분들과 나누는 그림 이야기도 소중하여 많은 그림 그리려는 조급함을 잠시 내려놓았던 하루였습니다. 그림을 매개로 하여 처음으로 만나는 분들과의 인연이 오래도록 이어지기를 바랍니다. 

Saturday, April 1, 2017

55th World Wide SketchCrawl 안내

어언 봄이 왔습니다. 이번 4월 22일 토요일에 온 세계의 스케치를 사랑하시는 많은 분들이 참여하시는 스케치 크롤 행사가 있습니다. 이번에도 스케치에 관심이 있으신 분은 누구라도 간단한 도구를 지참하시고 참가하시면 됩니다. 참가비는 없으며 약속 장소에 오시면 되며 각자 그리고 싶은 현장을 그리며 여러 스케쳐들과 교류하며 좋은 시간 보낼 수 있기 바랍니다.

서울의 숨겨진 보물같은 마을속의 여러 전시관과, 까페, 맛집을 그려보며 즐거운 하루를 보냈으면 합니다. 많은 시민과 외국인들도 즐겨 찾는 서울 성곽길을 오르시려면 신분증 지참이 필수입니다. 성곽에서 내려다 보는 풍경도 훌륭한 스케치거리가 될 것입니다. 
그날 뵙겠어요.

날짜 : 2017년 4월 22일 (토요일) - April 22, 2017
장소 : 서울 종로구 부암동 주변 - Buam-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul
만나는 장소와 시간 : 종로 부암동 주민센타 마당, 오전 10시 30분 - Buam-dong Community Center, 10:30 am
마치는 시간 : 오후 3시 30분경 
오시는 길 : 지하철 3호선 경복궁역 3번 출구에서 나와 7022, 7212, 1020 승차후 부암동 주민센터 하차 (You can arrive there by coming out from exit no. 3 of subway no. 3, Gyeongbokgung station. And transfer to green bus 7022 or 7212 or 1020. After getting off at Buam-dong Community Center you can see it across the street.)

(We try to sketch the beautiful village, Buam-dong, the hidden treasure in Seoul. There locates impressive art museums such as Whanki Museum, Seoul Museum, and Zaha Museum. Big and small cafes or restaurants are in rows or at narrow alleys of the old village. Civilians or foreign visitors like to walk up to Seoul Fortress Wall. But you have to show your ID card to be permitted to climb in. Hope anybody who has interest in sketching to spend nice day at one of the secret places in great mountain, Bughansan.)