Showing posts with label Yoo Byung Hwa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoo Byung Hwa. Show all posts

Monday, June 21, 2021

Sketches around Myeong-dong, Seoul

Sketches by Yoo Byung Hwa

Sketch at the meeting place near the exit 3 of Myeongdong Station, pen & watercolor, A 4

A sketcher in front of Noon Square building at main street of Myeongdong, 
pen and watercolor, 10.5 x 15.5 cm

Scenery of bridge between Lotte Young Plaza and Lotte dept.,
pen & watercolor, 10.5 x 15.5 cm

People on bench in front of Noon Square building located at Myeongdong,
pen & watercolor, A 4

Scenery with cafe(You Are Here Cafe) and convenient store(Seven Eleven),
pen & watercolor, white chalk, 10.5 x 15.5 cm

Money exchange shop near Hana Financial Group building,
pencil(8B), watercolor, A 4

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sketches by Lee Yong Hwan

Scenery with bridge between Lotte Young Plaza and Lotte department,
pen and watercolor, 36 x 51 cm

Buildings seen from Hana Financial Group building, 
pen and watercolor, 36 x 51 cm

Sketch at the meeting place near the exit 3 of Myeongdong stn.,
pen and watercolor, 29.7 x 42 cm

We had a meeting last Saturday. Though we couldn't gather in a massive group it was a happy time after months since last April. And we were glad to see Daniel Thomas Faller again. He came from Switzerland and had interest in Korean culture and our sketching group. 

The weather was really fine with light blowing. The allies and streets were not busy with travelers because of COVID. But we felt sorry to see vacant shops with "For Rent".  We started sketching at the meeting place with benches under shadow of big trees. Lots of sketchers gathered to share greeting and departed soon to their sketching places at Myeongdong. Offline sketching made us feel alive. 

Hope this pandemic to be ended as soon as possible and see you all!


오랜만에 모임이라 많은 분들이 참여하셨고 예쁜 선물도 주셔서 감사했습니다. 작은 크기의 패드에 그림도 그려보고 즐거운 시간 가졌습니다. 관광객의 감소로 거리는 전과 달리 복잡하지 않아서 좋았지만 빈 상가들이 눈에 띄여 어려움을 실감할 수 있었구요. 하루빨리 정상적인 생활로 돌아갔으면 하는 마음으로 돌아 왔습니다. 건강히 지내시고 다음 모임에 뵙겠습니다. 

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Sketching in watercolor on fine days

A scene of a special ceremony held on Jogyesa(temple located at Jongno, Seoul) to award certificates to monks who passed 1st grade exam,
ball-point pen, watercolor, 10.5 x 30 cm

A pagoda decorated with lotus lanterns donated by believers at Jogyesa, brush-pen, pen,  watercolor, 39.5 x 27 cm

A scene at Gabriel billiards club located at Juan city, brush-pen, watercolor, 39.5 x 27 cm

A scene in Garden billiards club located at Jongno, Seoul, 
brush-pen, watercolor, 39.5 x 27 cm

The weather seems very good for sketching outside. I visit billiards club often. I was very interested in playing. These days I tried to draw on bigger than my usual A 4 size. It was somewhat thrilling and enthralling too. After finishing them the staffs in the clubs liked the works, which made me have confidence to keep drawing forwards. On my way to home I drop in Jogyesa(temple) to appreciate all those colorful lotus lanterns decorated for the celebration of Buddha's birth on May 19(April 8th in lunar calender). People enjoy the beautiful scenes on day and night with shining lights, A woman, believer, asked me to take a photo of the pagoda drawing. Even she wanted to have photo holding it and once more with her mask off and happy smile. Yesterday I dropped in the temple holding the billiards drawing to dry it more and met a woman. Looking at it she told about his strong interest in art. Promising to meet later we departed. Such unexpected encountering was given by drawings. 

요즈음은 크게 덥지도 춥지도 않아서 수채화 그리기에 아주 좋은 듯합니다. 겨울에는 주로 마른 재료를 사용하나 바람부는 이즈음에는 수채화가 번거롭기는 해도 해볼만합니다. 그동안에는 당구장에 가면 연습하기에 바빴고 A 4 정도 종이에 인물 드로잉은 종종 했지만 좀 큰 종이에 수채화로 담아보고 싶은 마음에 용기를 내었습니다. 클럽을 나오면서 당구장 주인분들께 보여드리니 놀라워하면서 좋아하시는 모습에 저도 자신감을 갖고 더 많은 장면을 담아 보고 싶어졌습니다. 게다가 "사진보다 좋네요."하는 말씀에 저도 놀랐습니다. 당구도 하고 그림도 그리고 일석이조에다가 당구장에 오신 손님들에게도 '격'을 높여드리는 일이 되지 아닐까 하는 자부심도 가져봅니다. 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sketches at Euljiro

An old Japanese style house remained at Bangsan market, Euljiro 5-ga, pencil, watercolor,,A 4

I started regular meetup sketching at Bangsan Market, located at Euljiro 5-ga. 
Entering the market I met a crossing guard. Hearing about the drawing the market scenes he recommended to capture this house. He added that lots of photographers visited to take picture the house. It looked attractive enough to draw. Because it was a weekend day some stores were close I could take my sit in front of a closed store and keep drawing without any trouble.
A young man who came out of another store to smoke after his lunch answered to my several questions about the house that he didn't know well but it seemed empty,

A cafe scene on 2F deck of Daerim Arcade, pencil, watercolor, A 4 

It was a cloudy day and weather forecasted raining on afternoon. When I walked down to downtown I met a bridge linking Daerim Arcade to Sampoong Arcade. But the bridge was under repairing so I tried to draw the cafe scenery on the shining terrace of Daerim Arcade. Piled plastic boxes used as a tea table caught my eye. Red brick wall was always beautiful. While I was drawing this one I met some favorite sketchers. Sketching freely without any fixed meeting places gave another possibility to find unknown spots here and there. COVID-19 changes our lives to a greater or lesser degree.

Scenery seen from the Exit 4 of Euljiro 1-ga(Euljiro ipgu) station, pencil, watercolor, A 4

I arrived at the entrance of Euljiro where lots of business buildings and shopping centers were gathered. I took a seat near the subway exit preparing to escape to the exit when it rained. When I kept drawing the street scene an old man shouted to me "Go over there!", I found a big lump covered with vinyl sheet was his dwelling place. At first I thought it as sand boxes laid by city. I answered him "Oh, did you stay there? Sorry! I didn't know that and I'll leave soon." He seemed satisfied anyhow and asked me in ordinary voice where I was from and so on. Around the exit some homeless people including a woman were there. A small garden located near the exit might give them rest in mind, 

오랜만에 재개된 정기 모임에 참여했습니다. 을지로 그리기는 서울에서 빼놓을 수 없는 주제같습니다. 을지로는 종로, 청계천, 충무로와 더불어 서울의 경제, 문화의 핵심적인 요소가 고루 갖추어진 장소입니다. 언제나 매력적인 스케치를 따로 또 같이 임의적으로 할 수 있어서 궂은 날씨에도 큰비 만나지 않고 즐겁게 마쳤습니다. 몇달 만에 만난 화우님들 반가왔습니다.
다음 모임에서 건강한 모습으로 만나 뵙기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Sketches on June 20 at Jangchung-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul

colored papers, white chalk, conte(sanguine), A 4
I have been dreaming of sketching the street scenes in the middle of the road. It became possible because the center lanes for the buses began to be set since 1993 in Seoul. Though I drew some scene from time to time while waiting for my bus the atmosphere in air was not good by exhausted gas from bus. These days many buses run using electronic power instead of oil. I believe air condition must be better than before. 
Yesterday we had a regular meetup at Jangchung-dong where located Dongguk University, Jangchungdan Park, and walking trail too. And I found big parasols for pedistrians to escape from the pouring sun light at the junction of Jangchungdan-ro. I took a seat on the traffic island. Without the cool shadow and the traffic island I couldn't carry my job to capture the crossing scenes. Fortunately the breeze from the park behind made me keep drawing for two hours in the morning.

colored papers, white chalk, conte(sanguine), A 4
After having delicious lunch(swell fish soup) with friends we moved to nearby Coffee Bean to sketch the beautiful scenery of the place. I remember the place was very great in autumn with colored leaves in the ground. We enjoyed both talking and drawing. Being with my old friend, Bae Jeong Sook was very pleasing too. Hope her to join us often. Thank you all to spend a fine day together in such a great place!

어제 날은 좀 더웠으나 장소가 워낙 시원해서 그동안 해보고 싶었던 교통섬에서의 스케치를 원없이 해보았습니다. 중앙차선제가 생겨나서 스케쳐에게는 참으로 소중한 여건이라 여겨집니다. 전에 광화문 은행나무들이 한복판에 줄지어 있을 때에 거기서 그림을 그려보면 어떤 기분일까 생각만 했는데 막상 현실로 이루어 졌음에도 이런 저런 핑계가 더 많아집니다. 그래도 어제 땡볕을 막아주는 커다란 파라솔 덕분에 소원을 풀었습니다. 시내 공기가 더 좋아지면 종로통에서 서서라도 그려보고 싶은 마음입니다. 
어제 오랜만에 만난 배정숙 화우님 너무 반가왔어요. 앞으로도 자주 뵙기 바랍니다. 더운 날 모두 수고 많으셨습니다. 감사합니다!

Monday, June 1, 2020

Sketches on colored paper

scenery with a white building(Dongyang Mill) located ,at Buam-dong,
white chalk, pastels on black colored paper, 30 x 42 cm

Sketcher, Leeky at the cafe "Club Espresso" at Buam-dong, 
white chalk, water soluble pastel pencils, 30 x 42 cm

scenery with Inner Ring Road at Hongje-dong along Hongjecheon stream,
white chalk, pastels, 29 x 40 cm

old village along the Hongjecheon(stream) near the Okcheonam(temple),
white chalk, pastels, 30 x 42 cm

scenery at Geumsunsa(temple, Jongno-gu,
white chalk, 29 x 40 cm

Daniel Thomas Faller from Switzerland joined us.

Last Saturday we've had a regular meeting after months' rest due to COVID-19. So many young sketchers and old members gathered at the beautiful village, Buam-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul. And Daniel whom I met at the Geumsunsa joined too. Thank you!

These days I like to use body colored paper with white chalk. The results look like print. Making a print piece needs lots of efforts and process. But white chalk and colored paper gives vicarious pleasure simply. Above all dark paper makes me feel at ease without reflecting effect of strong sunlight. The bottom one done at Geumsunsa caught the interest of the nun(monk) saying "This looks like a print!". Of course I hoped her to begin drawing.

On the way of going to Inwang Market located at Hongje-dong in order to buy garlic I dropped in park along the Hongjecheon stream to draw more on black paper. People wearing masks walk, run, ride bicycles with their friends and kids following a trail. Fortunately I found a big parasol with good benches and stone table. Without them I might not be able to doodle even. Good season came for sketching despite of the fearful infection. 

Wish you to be safe and see you soon!

오랜 만에 가진 모임에 많은 분들의 참여로 매우 활기가 넘쳤고 오후에 전시된 작품들은 장관이었습니다. 새로 오신 분들도 앞으로 열심히 동참하셔서 자신만의 그림 세계를 펴나가시면 좋겠습니다. 나누어 주신 로고도 참으로 예뻐서 소중히 간직하겠구요. 수고하신 분들께 감사드립니다. 

요즘 검은 종이에 희색 초크로 그림그리는 것에 아주 매료되어 자꾸 그리고 싶어집니다. 어찌 보면 판화같기도 하여 쉽게 판화 기분을 내는 멋도 있는 듯합니다. 얼마 전 금선사에서 파스텔 안쓰고 그린 후 지난 모임에서 두장 그리고 어제 인왕시장에 마늘 사러 가다가 홍제천변에서 두장 더했습니다. 날씨가 좋아 길에 앉에서도 물없이 쉽게 그릴 수 있어 멋진 색을 더 사서 그려봐야지 하는 마음이 들기 까지 합니다. 

일기가 그림그리기에 매우 좋으나 감염우려로 활동이 제한적인 것이 아쉽습니다만 환경에 적은하여 방법을 찾아보면 길이 나오리라고 생각합니다. 다음 모임때까지 건강히 지내시고 작업 많이 하시기 바랍니다.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Doing art at Ttukseom, Seoul

Lee Yong Hwan, scenery captured at Ttukseom resort plaza, pen, watercolor, 54 x 72 cm

Lee Yong Hwan

Yoo Byung Hwa, conte(sepia, sanguine), pastels, 29.5 x 42 cm

YH Lee and I visited the Ttukseom resort again for sketching. But the very spot we planned to sketch near the entrance of the caterpillar tunnel was closed firmly since Feb. 25 by the Corona19 policy. We should have called the information center. We had to go down to the plaza. It was not a fine day but cloudy, blowing and even drizzling for a while. To take shelter from rain we took seats on a stone bench under the overbridge for subway line no. 7. Though rain stopped soon it began to blow strongly. I felt very cold for I did wear somewhat lightly expecting hot weather of previous days. Despite of bad weather people came there with their friends, families, kids. They were enjoying talks, riding bicycles, walking along the Han River after months' restraining themselves from outdoor activities. But most of them wore facial masks though. Just all of us hope this situation to be ended as soon as possible.

오늘 뚝섬 자벌레관에서 큰 종이에 다시 그리려고 방문했는데 자벌레관 출입문이 굳게 닫혀 있어서 하는 수 없이 광장으로 내려가니 비가 슬슬 오더군요. 그래도 전철 교각아래는 비피하기가 좋아 돌의자에 앉아 그림을 시작했습니다. 비가 더 오기 전에 매력적인 장면을 잡아 같이 그리게 되었어요. 사람들은 좀 많이 나온듯했어요. 워낙 요즘 썰렁한 분위기였는데 전과 비슷해보이기도 했습니다. 그래도 어린이 날이라고 생각하면 예전 분위기같지는 않았어요. 비는 곧 그쳤지만 바람이 심하게 불고 강가라 그런지 더 추웠습니다. 그래도 마스크를 쓰고라도 그림을 그릴 수 있어 좋았어요. 깔깔거리는 어린 학생들의 웃음소리가 어찌나 즐겁던지요. '참 좋은 시절이다...'하며 절로 미소가 지어지더군요. 공부다 뭐다해서 저희들은 또 괴롭다 하겠지만 모여서 숨넘어가게 웃을 수 있는 그 시간이 얼마나 귀중한지 아이들이 알았으면 했습니다. 코로나가 하루 빨리 종식되기를 바라며 오늘 그림을 마쳤습니다.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Sketches at Naksan Mountain Trail, Hanyangdoseong

brush pen, watercolor, 27 x 39 cm

Days ago I had to buy some stuff at the shop around Dongdaemun Gate. After the shopping I walked up to Naksan wall near the Gate. The weather was very fine. Most people wore masks. I arrived at the highest point of the wall. The views were excellent. Every side looked great for sketching. I caught two scenes. Finishing these drawings I looked for public transit to the peak point. Promising to myself that I come again to capture all the beautiful scenery I walked down the interesting road(Guldari-gil, snail-gil) at Choongsin-dong, near the Naksan wall.. I drew the third one more.

며칠전, 동대문 근처에서 필요한 물품을 사고 근처의 낙산 도성을 올라가 보았습니다. 코로나로 집에만 있다가 오랜만에 좋은 날씨를 즐겼어요. 사람들도 많이 보이더군요. 오래된 동네가 주는 정겨움과 내려다 보는 풍치를 담았습니다. 마음버스가 있어서 가기 편리할 듯하여 좋은 스케치 장소로 잡아놓았습니다. 특히나 이웃하는 충신동 굽다리길(달팽이길)은 정말 재미있는 장소였고, 도시 재생이 진행되는 곳으로 기대하는 마음이 컸습니다.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Sketches from archives

oil tank at the Oil Tank Culture Park located at Seongsan-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul

Place to store oil at the crisis in 1970s was transformed into a large park "Oil Tank Culture Park on 2017. 

"First Garden" located at Paju City

statue at the "First Garden", a kind of family park

Galgogri catholic church, Paju city, pencil, watercolor, 24 x 32 cm

"Forest of Wisdom", library, located at Paju City

cafe in the library, A 4

우리 모두가 요즘 너무 어려운 시간을 보내고 있습니다. 힘내시고 건강히 지내십시요.