Showing posts with label Children's Grand Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Children's Grand Park. Show all posts

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Sketches at parks

amusement park in Children's Grand Park, Neung-dong, Seoul, 
watercolor, 23 x 30.5 cm

Mulhyanggi Arboretum (Osan), Gyeonggi-province,
sepia conte, 23 x 30.5 cm

On fine days I visited parks in Seoul and Osan city. Children's Grand Park is one of my favorite sketching places. But the arboretum was my second visit. It took nearly two hours from my house by bus and subway train. For being tired I slept for a while and passed two stops. So I had to get back, which took more minutes anyhow. The arboretum was crowded with visitors most of whom were families with kids. The inside was broad and easy for walk. On the way back to the entrance gate I found this water. It was beautiful by the contrast of light. If not the distance matter I'd like to go there often. 

요즘 날씨가 너무 좋습니다. 얼마 전에 늘 가던 어린이대공원에 갔어요. 후문 입구 근처의 놀이동산에 들러 어린이들의 재잘거리는 소리도 듣고 신나게 오르내리는 놀이기구를 보며 한장 그렸습니다. 이번에는 너무 복잡한 청룡열차와 기둥들에 얽매이지 않으려고 붓으로만 자유롭게 그려보았어요. 

어제 오산대역에서 가까운 물향기 수목원에 들렀습니다. 서울에서 가는 시간이 걸려서 그렇지 역에서 가까운 거리라 좋았어요. 전에 어느 분의 전시회 보러 갔을 때에는 여기 저기 들러 보지 못했는데 이번에는 한시간 반 정도 걸어다니며 좀 보았습니다. 아마도 다음에 가면 못본 곳을 또 발견하지 않을까 생각합니다. 나오는 길에서 만난 물이 매우 인상적이어서 한장 그려보았습니다. 많은 가족들이 평화로이 즐기는 모습이 아름다와서 더불어 즐거운 시간을 보냈습니다.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sketches at the Children's Grand Park, Neung-dong, Seoul

Beautiful scenery with Baerong tree(Lagerstroemia indica) in full blossom in front of main gate of the park, pen, watercolor, 28 x 37 cm
While waiting for members to come, this tree caught my eye. When I was young same kind was there at my home. Seeing the flower, drawing it all the memories with my parents who'd passed flashed back. 

There locates a modern architectural building designed by Architect Na Seong-Jin. The original use for golf course was changed into multi public purposes for citizen. But the structure looks very attractive always. pen, watercolor, 28 x 37 cm

After sketching the above I captured a scene of family picnic seated next to mine with brush pen and watercolor. A 4

Near the food court in front of botanic garden people take some rest after lunch. Trees, sunlight, shadow and kids with their family made a picture itself. pen, watercolor, 28 x 37 cm

Kids may like the elephant the most. The cage is always crowded with visitors. I saw the big structure with miniature of elephant on top. Big awning for the elephant looked good too. Without shining light how could I make this drawing? I felt warm with people.
pen, watercolor, 28 x 37 cm

Before ending this sketching I couldn't help dropping in the amusement park. It was full of exciting scream and sound. Parents were resting under big awning. Kids were always happy in such area. I thought of my days of long, long time ago. brush pen, watercolor, 37 x 28 cm

It was really fine day. I think every body would enjoy the nice weather and sketching together. Hope all to keep sketching with interest and courage. Thank you all!

어제 너무나 좋은 날씨에 즐거운 스케치할 수 있어서 감사했습니다. 좋은 가을 만끽하시기 바랍니다. 

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Sketches at Children's Grand Park


part of roller coaster in amusement park

scenery of tropical animal buildings

water birds

water birds and visitors

It was a very fine day. The park was crowded by increasing family visitors around noon. The park opened on Children's Day, May 5th, 1973 kept being loved by all. It's broad to ca. 530,000 square meters. There locate kinds of animal cages, botanic garden, amusement park, and so on. We can find people walking all around the park for health. 
Though I visit there so often It provides endless subjects to draw. I used 45.5x32.5cm size papers. I tried to play with sketching tools, charcoal, water soluble color pencils, watercolor not to make something good. I found charcoal to work well on this kind of sketchbook. Because I have several volumes which I had bought over 10 years ago, I may use them all out with charcoal. 
Having chance to appreciate all the participants' great works would be a fortune; so we gather enjoying sharing and congratulating for the other sketcher's development. Thank you Andy for the cool drinks after the meetup. We had a nice time after hard work of sketching. Thank you all the participants!

좋은 날씨에 감사했어요. 만나뵈어서 더욱 좋았구요. 어반 스케치해오면서 자신의 그림에 만족하는 동료를 보는 기쁨도 만남에서 비롯되겠지요. 여의나루에서 반나 뵙기 바랍니다.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

sketches at the Amusement park, Children's Grand Park

carousel flying chair, pencil, watercolor, A 4

a boy assembling his motor bikes in the park, pen, watercolor, A 4

Days ago I went to Children's Grand park to enjoy the beautiful autumn days and to sketch too. There are many interesting and thrilling vehicles for visitors. I used to sketch one of them though most of them are very complicated and hard to draw. This time I chose the flying chair. But it was an ordinary day, so the big machine was rare to move for rare riders. I waited for them to ride and move. I could complete seeing several times' running of the machine. Every time there was shrieks of the riders. People do voluntarily paying money to feel thrills.
I moved to the playing field. There were nice chairs and tables with shade. A young grand mother and a kid sat. I took a seat and began to draw him. But I was not sure whether he'd leave soon or not I took a photo before he left. I was right! They left before I completed washing the sketch. While sketching this one a woman of my age came to me saying "Wow you're painting!" We kept talking over one hour. It's mysterious for unknown people to talk honestly about past aching matters without any measuring thoughts which could happen between well known ones. We promised to meet again in the park unexpectedly some days. 
It was a nice day with fine weather in park. 

요즘 날씨가 너무 좋습니다. 능동에 있는 어린이대공원은 언제나 갈 수 있는 좋은 공간입니다. 그동안 공사하느라 닫혀있었던 놀이동산도 올해는 문을 연지가 여러달 됩니다. 되도록이면 갈때마다 놀이동산에 들러 한장씩이라도 그려보려고 합니다. 어렵지만 활력이 넘치는 곳이라서 동심으로 돌아가 그려봅니다. 평일이라 타는 사람이 적어 줄창 돌아가지는 않았지만 여러번 기다리면서 보고 그려보았어요. 실제의 모습을 그대로 담으려면 수차례 그려보아야겠구요. 그림을 마치고 놀이터를 갔더니 마당은 한산했는데 어린아이가 테이블에 차 두대를 늘어놓고 조립하며 젊은 할머니와 앉아있었어요. 바로 그리기 시작했으나 아이가 떠나기 전에 드로잉 사진 한 장부터 찍었어요. 잠시 후에 모델이 일어나서 갔습니다. 아이 그림을 그리는 중에 제 나이 또래의 부인이 지나가다 그림에 관심을 보이시며 앉아서 한참을 이야기 나누었습니다. 처음 보는 사람끼리 기탄없이 살아온 이야기를 나누었습니다. 아는 사람끼리 하기 어려운 이야기도 나눌 수 있는 것이 좋았습니다. 다음에 공원에서 우연히 만날 수 있기를 기약하면서 아쉬운 작별을 하였어요. 건강을 빌면서....

Monday, December 30, 2013

sledding on frozen pond, Children's Grand Park, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul

pen and watercolor, A 4

Pond inside the park was frozen. Ice rink was open to public for free. Kids and adults were enjoying the sledding under the flags of all nations. It's open from Dec. 24, 2013 to Feb. 2, 2014 as far as the ice keeps frozen. Hope lots of citizens to have fun.

며칠 전 어린이 대공원에 스케치하러 갔다가 길가에 있는 연못자리가 썰매장으로 바뀌어 많은 아이들, 어른들이 썰매를 지치는 것을 보았어요. 동심으로 돌아 가서 어른들도 재미나게 타더군요. 무료라니 많이 이용하면 좋겠어요.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Unification concert for healing injury of division in country

15 x 21 cm

There was a small concert at Children's Grand Park in the afternoon (3:00 - 5:00 pm) yesterday, Oct. 30, 2012. While I was sketching one in the plaza of the main gate I heard some music sound. I went in and sat on chair. It was supported by Konkuk University. The players were North Korean defectors and performed pansori, small Haefeum, chorus, dance, and singing. Audience was very pleased with music and dance in the park of Autumn. I was too.

Friday, July 27, 2012

at Children's Grand Park, Neung-dong, Seoul

octogonal pavilion near the rear entrance of the park, pencil, watercolor, A 4

at riding track for kids at park, where small, little horse was there but camel wasn't shown

in front of Gummaru in park, pencil and watercolor, A 4

a woman at bus stop, Gwanghwamun,  pencil, 21 x 14 cm

In a successive hot day season I went to the park for walking and sketching. But the breeze blowing through the big trees made it easy and pleasant. Because it's holiday season for kindergarten and middle & high schools the park was quiet and good for sketching. These days people look so fashionable. What's needed was just to catch them at once on the spot regardless of results.