Showing posts with label terminal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terminal. Show all posts

Monday, October 16, 2017

Waterfront sketches at Yeouinaru, Seoul

riverside scene viewed from the Cruise Terminal, pencil and watercolor, (36 x 51cm)

waterfront scene of 1 Terminal, pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)

foreground scene of 2 Terminal, pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)

JS Han, a member of USK Seoul, pencil and watercolor, (36 x 51cm)

a member of a water board club, pencil and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)
Last Saturday, the weather was so fine with clear sky for sketching. Seoul urban sketchers met at Yeouinaru(여의나루) in the Yeouido Park, which is famous for nature, culture and sports for all citizens and visitors.Especially, Yeouinaru is well known as a riverside family park where Han River's water taxis and Cruise Terminal(크루즈 터미널) locates. Tourists and visitors can enjoying the leisurely view of Seoul's modern skyline and the surrounding sceneries such as Han River bridges, colorful ships, boats and Cruise Terminal crowded with people. 
At first, the familiar Eland Cruise caught my eyes, because I sketched the quay scenes for the 45th World Wide SketchCrawl at this location three years ago. I was attracted to the vivid riverside scenes and absorbed in sketching around Yeouinaru like for the first time. 
After sketching various scenes around Cruise, I drew portraits of two people near me on 
the spot, one is an urban sketcher and the other is a member of a water board club. And I presented the sketches to them as a memorial of Yeouinaru sketching.
여의나루는 한강변의 다채로운 풍경이 담겨 있습니다.
명물 선착장과 유람선, 한강 브릿지와 고층빌딩...
단란한 가족공원 인파들, 도시 스케일과 시원한 원근감,
시시각각 변화하는 물그림자와 색상들의 하모니~~
워터프론트의 두 모델도 물결 배경 속에 인상적입니다.
3년전의 스케치크롤 감흥이 되살아나는 멋진 하루였습니니다.

Friday, September 30, 2016

sketches at Seoul St. Mary's Hospital

hospital building viewed from Seoul Express Bus Terminal (서울 고속버스 터미널), 
pen and watercolor

main gate of Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, pen and watercolor

main entrance of the hospital, pen and pastel

Central City Terminal across from the hospital, pen and watercolor

pedestrian overpass connected to Central City (센트럴 시티 보도육교), 
pen and watercolor

annex buildings viewed from 16th floors in the hospital, pen and watercolor

main hall of the hospital, pen and watercolor

information desk (안내, 진료상담), pen and watercolor

hospital administration (수납, 원무과), pen and pastel

tonometry(안압검사) at Eye Center, pen and watercolor

concert (서리풀 축제 콘서트) in the hospital lobby, pen and pastel
( 21 x 29.6cm sketchbook )
Few days ago I visited  Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, Seocho-gu (서초구) in Seoul two times.
Seoul St. Mary's Hospital is one of the affiliated hospitals of Catholic University of Korea (가톨릭 대학교 서울 성모병원) and is part of the CMC (Catholic Medical Center) network based on its 80 years of history. The hospital is conveniently located within minutes by car, subway, bus, or on foot from many of Seoul’s international companies, hotels, and government buildings.
It was fine weather to sketch, and the atmosphere around the hospital was very pleasant enjoying the beautiful fall season. I sketched some colorful scenes in and outside the 
hospital, especially the concert for patients was a touching performance.
가톨릭대 부속 서울 성모병원~~
넘치는 방문객, 기다리는 환자들과 봉사자,
부산한 의료진들 사이로 자애로운 성모상,
자연과 음악이 어우러지는 힐링 콘서트...
고속터미널의 숨가쁜 시간표를 떠나
아픔과 치유의 시간을 함께 하며 
이틀간 스케치 삼매경에 빠졌습니다.