Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Several sketches in November sketchcrawl

Last Saturday was so cold and strong windy day for November. But Seoul sketchers were deep in urban-sketching all day with patience.
I sketched wandering through the downtown from Kyung-bok Palace to Insa-dong. I'm sure continuous drawing on the surroundings of Gwanghwamun is very useful for Seoul sketchers.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
november sketchcrawl 2010
41x13cm, pen and watercolor

It has been mind-boggling that year passes.
In spite of the cold weather, because could paint meeting, it was happy time.
Delicious meal was impressive from atmospherical place.
Had a good time seeing display at Insa-dong.
Is a little inconvenient as do not paint much.
I have received a lot of energies.
21x29.7cm, pen and watercolor
It has been mind-boggling that year passes.
In spite of the cold weather, because could paint meeting, it was happy time.
Delicious meal was impressive from atmospherical place.
Had a good time seeing display at Insa-dong.
Is a little inconvenient as do not paint much.
I have received a lot of energies.
21x29.7cm, pen and watercolor
Saturday, November 27, 2010
November Sketchcrawl, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Heukseokdong's late autumn
멀리 효사정이 보입니다. 옛 효사정(孝思亭)은 조선 세종 때 한성부윤과 영의정을 지낸 공숙공 노한(盧閈 1376~1443)이 노량진 한강변에 정자를 짓고 3년간 시묘를 했으며 모친을 그리워했던 곳입니다. 현재의 효사정은 일제 강점기때 일본신사가 있었 곳에 신축된 정자로 서울시의 우수 경관 조망명소로 선정된 곳입니다.
Friday, November 19, 2010
sketches in subway

Yesterday I went to Seoul Grand Park for sketching. I just enjoyed the scenery and doodling the animal. On the way coming home I saw the three persons on wheel chairs. I sketched them. The third person was reading book drawn in the right bottom of the paper. They seemed to move to some place together.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Some sketches in Turkey

Primary school of Urgup
A few days ago, I took a trip to Turkey with BH Yoo and several Korean tourists. A number of cultural heritage and architecture are dreamy and mysterious. I was deeply impressed by Byzantine style and natural resources. It was a meaningful tour for me to get an opportunity to sketch well-known sceneries.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
sketches in Turkey
14 x 19 cm, pen
I sketched this man at the jewelry shop in Turkey while other tours were looking into gem.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
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