Thursday, July 30, 2009

a church building

This is a sketch of a church located at Bugahyun-dong, Seoul two weeks ago. The building was not big, but the vertical shape was impressive.

Monday, July 27, 2009

buying garlic

Last year I went to Inchon city for sketching. Under Mansuk overpass there was a seller of garlic. It was a season to buy garlic needed for a year. Because it was cool by the shade of the overpass, many villagers gathered to buy them. The garlic was tied by 50 heads.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Two curators, Pablo and Sol

two sketches at Inchon city

a transport company at Mansuk-dong, Inchon

old house at Buksung-dong, Inchon
These are sketches drawn at Inchon city where I go often.

Friday, July 24, 2009

people in street

electricians in pockets

I drew her near the entrance of zoo in the afternoon. All the snacks seemed to be sold out. The dog looked up at her waiting to go home.

There were many bicyclists in the plazaa of Seoul grand park. I sketched one of them.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Baesuji park

270X195mm 파스넷 & watercolor
오전에 화실 아이들과 동네 공원에 가서 한 장 그렸습니다
나무 그늘은 여름을 비껴가고 있었습니다

in the construction field

On a day of April I went out for sketching. There was a middle scale construction at my village. I sketched several pieces. The workers in the bottom one were not belong to the construction but for the removal of old network in village. Their ropes on their belts and pocket car caught my eye. But it was difficult to capture moving figures. I washed these drawings on the spot because I kept painting gear.

Monday, July 20, 2009

around Yonsei University

Yonsei University Korea Language Institute at Sinchon, pen and watercolor

street scene around Yonsei University at Sinchon, pen and watercolor

Last month I sketched around east gate of Yonsei University.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

views on the way of Jeju Olle trekking

Mt.Sungsan Illchooling-Bong and kosan harbor

at Olympic Park

Thursday, July 16, 2009

people in subway

I thank passengers in subway always. They look very characteristic and fashionable sometimes. But common people have their own attractiveness. I love to draw them endlessly.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How about a Seoul Sketchcrawl in August?

지난 스케치크롤, 참 즐거웠습니다. 10월까지 다음 스케치크롤을 기다릴 수가 없네요.^^

유병화 선생님께서 8월 중에 서울 스케치크롤을 하자고 제안을 하셨습니다.
장소는 안국역에서 시작해서 북촌한옥마을까지로 생각하고 있습니다.
시간을 정하는 일은 어려움이 있을 것 같습니다. 저처럼 평일이 편하신 분들이 있을테고 주말만 가능하신 분들도 있을텐데 이번엔 평일 오전에 하기로 우리끼리(유선생님과 저) 마음대로 정했습니다.
함께 하실 분 계시면 덧글 달아주셔요. 8월 둘째 주나 세째 주 중에 어떤 시간이 좋은 지도 말씀해 주세요.

At the riverside of Han River

저는 늦잠꾸러긴데요 오늘은 아침 일찍 한강으로 산보를 갔습니다. 아침 공기는 조금 낯설면서 상쾌했습니다.
올림픽대교를 그려볼 생각이었는데 강물이 불어 산책로가 중간에 끊겨있더군요. 그래서 잠실철교에 가려진 올림픽대교를 그렸습니다.

atelier refrigerator

24X32 marker pen and watercolor
문 앞에 있는 조그만 화실 냉장고 입니다

mon fils

공부하다 잠든 아이를 달력종이 뒤에다 그려보았습니다
39X29 pen and watercolor

sur la table

32X24 marker pen and watercolor

at Jeung-reung, Seoul

Because it located near my house I could pass the village often. I went up to the top. The village was waiting for redevelopment. But I could feel nostalgia remembering where I had lived as a child.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The 23rd World-wide Sketch Crawl with Urban Sketchers Seoul

near the dormitory
founder's statue

Josh and Angela , a lovely couple

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sketchcrawl July 11, 2009

Here is a preview of sketches by Josh and myself.

This is the first photo I took of all the sketchers.

Josh and I...silly with anticipation.

Today was our 3rd Sketchcrawl with Urban Sketchers Seoul! It was a hot and humid day, but we braved it for the cause! Sketcher's unite! We had a wonderful day, thanks for coming out fellow sketchers and thanks for having us.
I am including the link to my sketches, Josh's sketches and the photos from the big day.