Showing posts with label sketchcrawl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sketchcrawl. Show all posts

Monday, April 22, 2019

Sketches at Gangbyeon Techno Mart, Seoul

Techno Mart building sketched at the sky garden outside the 9th floor of the building

in front of the box office of CGV movie theater on the 10th floor

open superstore of cellular phones and telephones on the 6th floor

a scene of open escalator hall sketched on the 6th floor

surrounding buildings viewed from the lounge on the 10th floor
( pen and watercolor, 29.6 x 42cm sketchbook )
Last Saturday was the day of usk Seoul's April meet up in pararelled with the 63rd World Wide SketchCrawl at Gangbyeon Techno Mart(강변 테크노마트). Coincidentally, that day I was scheduled to participate in Korea watercolor academy (한국수채화 아카데미) event, so I couldn't join in the usk Seoul' April meeting. Although I couldn't attend this important sketch meeting on the day, I went to the Techno Mart a few days earlier and made a sketch in advance.
Gangbyeon Techno Mart located at Guui-dong, Gwangjin-gu is known to be the biggest electronics depot in Korea. It is a large shopping mall that connects to other shopping and discount stores. In addition to all kinds of electronic products, Techno Mart is also well-known as a hot place of relaxation and enjoyment, such as Lifestyle & fashion shopping mall and wedding hall, various restaurants and Hangang Observatory at Haneul Park (하늘공원) on the 9th floor, CGV movie theater on the 10th floor, and so on. What's meaningful is, 3 years ago we had a good sketch time here as the 52th World Wide SketchCrawl. Impressed by the charming and beautiful scenery along the Han River and the crowded indoor atmosphere, I enjoyed sketching with new feelings and views going up and down in and out of the building.
4월 20일 한국수채화협회 아카데미 시연행사가 겹쳐
저는 부득이 며칠 전에 미리 가서 스케치했습니다.
동참 못하고 따로 그렸지만 스케치의 느낌을 함께 합니다.

3년전 테크노마트의 52차 스케치크롤이 생생하게 떠오릅니다..
전자쇼핑몰과 다양한 즐길거리로 붐비는 실내 분위기...
매력적이고 아름다운 한강변 풍경을 펼치는 랜드마크...
접근성과 짧은 동선, 사통오달의 좋은 스케치 장소입니다~ 

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Sketches at Techno Mart, Gangbyeon Branch

pencil sketch at the main gate, 24 x 32 cm

scenery from roof top, 9F, pencil, watercolor, 24 x 32 cm

scenery from the observatory steps, brush pen, watercolor, A 4

indoor sketch at the book cafe, 9F, CGV floor, pencil, watercolor, 24 x 32 cm

scene of Han River from the stair case, 9-10 F, pencil, watercolor, 24 x 32 cm

So good was it. Seoul is a lucky city maybe for the Han River. But it's not common to see it from good location. The Haneul Park(9F) of the Techno Mart, Gangbyeon Branch may be one of the best observatory with its good scenery. Beside the nice view on 9F rooftop it presents wonderful cityscape through big pane glasses along the corridor of CGV floor on 10F where visitors can read books with beverage while waiting for the movies. We enjoyed sketching there too. I'd like to visit there from time to time on hot or cold days. 

오늘 날씨가 퍽 좋은 편이었다고 생각됩니다. 적당히 따갑고, 바람도 선선하고 무엇보다도 시원한 한강을 바라보는 것은 쉽지 않은 행운이라고도 할 수 있겠습니다. 이런 저런 어려움을 돌이켜보면 더욱 그러하겠지요. 

오늘은 제 63차 WW SketchCrawl 행사와 더불어 모임을 가졌습니다. 오른쪽의 설명을 참조하시고 가능하신 분은 그 페이지에도 그림을 올려주시면 좋겠습니다. 

참여하신분 수고 많으셨고 새로 오신 서정화님 환영합니다. 감사합니다.

Monday, July 23, 2018

#60th World Wide SketchCrawl at Seoul Central Mosque

 facade of the Seoul Central Mosque, pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)

left part of facade of the mosque, pen and pastel, (29.6 x 42cm)

Praying Hall for the Muslims, pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)

going up to the mosque, pencil and pastel, (21 x 29.6cm)

a village scene from inside the entrance of the mosque, pen, (29.6 x 42cm)

neighboring village scenery looking from the courtyard, pencil, (29.6 x 42cm)

Last Saturday, it was midsummer with the sweltering heat and humidity. For the 60th World Wide SketchCrawl, we Seoul sketchers met at the Seoul Central Mosque (서울중앙성원) located in Hannam-dong (한남동), Yongsan-gu (용산구), Seoul. The Seoul Central Mosque built in 1976, was established to be a place to worship for Muslims in Korea as well as to educate the larger public about Islam and Islamic cultures. The Seoul Central Mosque is a place of religious, and Islamic rules and customs should be respected, so we cared about every move during the sketch time inside the precincts of the mosque.
The beautiful mosque is famous for its characteristically Islamic design in the middle spot between the Han River and Namsan, but will be scheduled to reconstruction in modern style sooner or later. 
Outside the mosque, there were many halal restaurants and shops where we can watch a lot of Muslims and the public convenience, Islamic bookstore, consists of a halal supermarket, travel agencies.
I sketched the symbolic mosque from various angles, exotic surrounding scenes in and outside the precincts. It was an exciting sketch time overcoming the terrible heat.
서울중앙성원은 도심에 숨어있는 이국적 모뉴멘트~~
우리 문화와 이슬람 문화가 공존하는 이태원의 오아시스
호텔, 상가와 주택가를 잇는 이색적인 정경과 인간미 넘치는 곳....
이슬람의 세계를 스케치하며 무더위를 잊은 하루였습니다.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

60th World Wide SketchCrawl

part of facade of Seoul Central Mosque, pencil, watercolor, A 4

group tourists, pencil, watercolor, A 4

scenery seen from the inside of the entrance, pencil, watercolor, A 4

scenery seen from the inside of the entrance, crayon pencil, watercolor, A 4

sketchers under trees, pen, watercolor, A 4

visitors resting for a while under tree, pen, oil pastels, A 4

Seoul Central Mosque looked great with its characteristic Islamic design. It was my third time to visit there. But every time I could find different scene to draw. It may be caused by different seasons and visitors from all nations.
Yesterday the temperature was 36.9 degrees at Seoul. Cold water kept us cool down all the while sketching. Passion of the sketchers to capture the beautiful building might have been rewarded by their excellent works. We were all the winners against the terrible heat. Thank you all!

최고점을 찍어가는 요즈음의 날씨에 과연 몇분이나 나오실 것인가 했습니다. 새로 오신 분들을 포함하여 열분이 모여서 그린 날이었어요. 일당백이라고나 할까요. 수백, 천여명의 문하 제자가 있는 여타의 고승과 달리 조주 선사의 문하에는 수도 제자가 7명을 넘지 않았다는 이야기를 들었어요. 그러나 그 한분 한분이 일당백이었다고 합니다. 어제의 그 더위에 아무런 냉방없이 나무 그늘만 의지하고 그림 그리시는 스케쳐들을 보며 그 생각을 했습니다. 그 투지라면 못할 것이 없겠다는 마음이 들었습니다. 아름다운 성전 건물만큼이나 감동적인 모습이었습니다. 새로 오신 분들도 자주 뵙기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Information for May Sketch Meetup!

안녕하세요! 2018년 5월 26일 모임 안내입니다.

장소 : 대학로 마로니에 공원
만나는 장소 : 아르코 미술관 앞
그림 그리는 시간 : 오전 10시 30분 - 오후 4시 30분

토요일이라 복잡하리라고 생각합니다. 그러나 낭만과 문화가 살아 숨쉬는 도심을 그려보는 기회가 될 것입니다.
관심있는 분을의 용기 있는 참여를 기다립니다.

Hi sketchers,

We sketch on May 26th (Saturday) at Maronnier Park located at Daehangno where to be arrived from exit 2, Hyehwa station, Subway line no. 4. We meet in front of ARKO Museum on 10:30am and will continue to 4:30pm. And at same place we'll have an on-spot exhibit with all the works we've done. 

Hope all the sketchers to join us with great courage and interest! 
See you there! Thanks!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Sketches by Shi Zhi Fang and Ying Meng from China

Sketches by Shi Zhi Fang

Shi Zhi Fang

Sketches by Ying Meng

Ying Meng

Thank you so much for sketching together and sharing your great works!
Please visit here for more works done on 59th World Wide SketchCrawl.

Monday, April 23, 2018

59th World Wide SketchCrawl at Okcheonam Temple

panoramic view of Okcheonam Temple, pencil and watercolor

looking up the temple complex inside the gate, pencil and watercolor

Rock-carved Seated Bodhisattva in Bodogak Hall, pen and watercolor

approaching the One Pillar Gate of Okcheonam Temple, pen and watercolor

a colorful scene of the neighboring village, pen and watercolor

distant view of the temple under the overpass, pen
(29.6 x 42cm sketchbook)
It was a little windy but pleasantly sunny and warm last Saturday. For the 59th World Wide SketchCrawl, USK Seoul members met at Okcheonam Hermitage, a small and peacefull temple in Hongeun-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul. Okcheonam Temple located at the foot of Samgaksan Mountain, and beneath the precinct Hongjecheon stream that flows throughout the year. The Temple dates back to the 14th century during the Goryeo dynasty. Lots of colorful Lotus Lanterns are beautifully embroidered on the temple and the street around the surrounding residential village. It was to celebrate the Buddha's Birthday on May 22. The temple buildings are built on narrow and steep bedrock linearly, and the natural combination of different architectures seems very interesting and beautiful features harmonized with the natural landscape. Especially the Rock-carved Seated Bodhisattva of Okcheonam Hermitage (Designation: Treasure No.1820) is famous for a large Buddhist image over five meters tall. The granite carving is concave and painted in a lovely seashell white, and so called "The White Buddah". Though the site of the temple is long narrow and rather small but the the precincts was crowded with Buddhists and visitors for lanterns ceremony to celebrate Buddha's Birthday. 
On entering the temple, I was fascinated with the panoramic scenes of the temple and the neighboring village, including access bridge over the stream and curved overpass, apartment buildings, etc. I enjoyed sketching several colorful scenes around the small and peaceful temple at the foot of the mountain nearby downtown Seoul.
석탄일을 앞두고 거리마다 연등으로 수놓은 신록의 새봄~
삼각산과 홍제천을 따라 도심속의 시골내음이 배어나오고
쉬지않고 달리는 고가도로 밑의 다정한 "하얀 부처님"
일상의 소재가 구석구석 담겨있는 명품 스케치의 장소입니다.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Sketches around Okcheonam, temple : 59th World Wide SketchCrawl

pencil, pen, watercolor, 25 x 25 cm

Shi Zhi Fang(left) and Ying Meng(right)

The weather was really fantastic. The temple was decorated with colorful lotus lamps all around it. We enjoyed the beautiful scene hearing the Buddhist service while sketching. We had lunch served at the temple dining room. Two Chinese sketchers who were staying for study in Korea liked Korean temple food too. In the afternoon a family came for visiting the temple showed interest in art so much. I talked them about our activity and asked them to join next month. Different from the downtown temple like Jogyesa the temple was very quiet so we could spend a nice day drawing those great scenes. 
Thank you all the participants!

오늘 날씨가 너무 좋았습니다. 옥천암 분위기도 아름다왔구요. 그동안 저는 여러번 그렸지만 계절에 따라 다른 모습을 보여주는 곳입니다. 흐르는 홍제천의 맑은 물과 산책로도 좋고 내부순환로의 육중한 모습이 주변의 산과 도회적인 모습을 이루며 그림거리를 제공한다고 생각합니다. 그리며 만나는 여러 관객과의 대화도 즐겁고 스케쳐님들과 오랜만에 만나서 즐거운 시간 보냈습니다. 옥천암 보살님들의 맛있는 점심 공양도 너무 감사했습니다.

참가하신 분들: 이용환, 한정선, 백경원, 최정은, 정초혜, 변석현, 시지황(Shi Zhi Fang), 응몽(Ying Meng), 이미영, 유병화


Saturday, March 24, 2018

59th World Wide SketchCrawl 행사 안내

오는 4월 21일에는 제 59회 월드 와이드 스케치크롤 행사가 있습니다.

일시 : 2018년 4월 21일(토요일), 10:30 am - 4:30 pm
장소 : 홍은동 옥천암과 주변
모이는 장소: 옥천암 종무소 앞

금일(3월 24일) 점심 식사중에 예정했던 장소는 우천시에 어려움이 있을 듯하여 위와 같이 변경하였습니다. 세검천, 홍은 고가, 주변의 산들과 어우러진 풍경과 초파일을 위한 연등 장식이 아름다울 듯합니다. 관심있는 분들의 용기있는 참여를 기다립니다.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Sketches at the Seodaemun Museum of Natural History

Acrocanthosaurus at center hall, pen and watercolor, 27.5x17.5cm

Ammonite on the ceiling

village scene seen through the window at foodcourt

stuffed roe deer

model of mammoth

Though it goes to March it was not easy to sketch outdoor. The museum was big and easy to go up and down stairs by ramp and elevator. The museum went crowded as time went by with families and students. Years ago I visited there for sketching too. So this time I tried to draw different things. Ammonite on ceiling caught my eye. And the roe deer looked good. To draw the animal was not easy even though they don't move but the visitors passed so often hiding my sight. Benches were helpful. And the volunteers and keepers didn't say any looking at sketchers. It was thankful. 
Much thanks for all the participants in spite of cold weather!

서대문 자연사 박물관은 어린이 들이 좋아하는 공간같습니다. 그러나 거대한 공룡의 뼈나 마모스등을 그려보는 좋은 공간입니다. 오늘도 날씨가 차가왔는데 참여하신 스케쳐 여러분들께 감사드립니다!