Showing posts with label Jongno Tower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jongno Tower. Show all posts

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Sketches with Margo Bartley and Zheng Xiong Xiang

Sketches by Margo Bartley from Australia

scenery seen from Jongno Tower by Margo

scenery of Deoksugung Palace seen from Jeongdong Observatory by Margo

Korean traditional house with big jars at Kyeongin Gallery garden by Margo

The following sketch was done by Zheng Xiong Xiang from Chine who has met at the observatory. He had shown interest and kept seen our works and had done this being requested. He kept his sketching tools in his sack. We just enjoyed sketching together unexpectedly. I told him about the activity of urban sketchers and city blogs all around the world recommending him to join after visiting the blogs. He visited the place on the way going to the Seoul Museum of Art located nearby. 

scenery seen from the Jeongdong Observatory by Zheng Xiong Xiang

portrait of Zheng Xiong Xiang done by Lee Yong Hwan
YH Lee presented this sketch to him.  As soon as he got it happily and proposed to draw YH Lee. And he drew the following one and presented it to YH Lee. Both artists were happy of course. 

portrait of YH Lee drawn by Zheng Xiong Xiang

The following sketches were done by Lee Yong Hwan. 

scenery seen from Jongno Tower. 
The building with peaked roof located at center of this drawing is Seungdong Church founded on 1893. 

scenery of Deoksugung Palace from Jeongdong Observatory

scenery at Jogyesa(temple)

scenery with Su-un Hoegwan seen at the small garden of Gyeongin gallery

musical instrument shop in Nagwon musical instrument shopping mall

The following sketches were done by Yoo Byung Hwa

scenery seen from the Jongno Tower

I drew Margo while she was drawing her work.

I sketched the scenery at the small garden of Gyeongin Gallery after having dimpling with Margo using sepia conte.

I drew the above three pieces at the observatory with watercolor.

Margo took me to the nearby coffee shop 'Terarosa' and bought me a cup of coffee 'caffe latte'. The cafe was decorated with kinds of tools for making coffee. I tried one within short time. I sketched before having it not to ruin the pretty shape on the surface of coffee. 

Zheng Xiong Xiang was drawing with his sketching tools. 

Margo Bartley in the garden of Gyeongin Gallery

YH Lee and Zheng Xiong Xiang holding their portraits done by each other

Several days' sketching together was meaningful for all of us. Sharing and encouraging was great. Unexpected meeting with unknown sketcher gave delight especially. We could be friends instantly putting out paper for drawing. Hope to have chances to sketch together later at somewhere in this globe. Thank you all, Margo and Zheng Xiong Xiang! Wish you to keep sketching anywhere! 

지난 며칠 동안 마고와 서울을 잠시 방문중이었던 Zheng Xiong Xiang과 스케치를 하면서 짧았지만 그림을 대하는 태도와 문화에 대한 나눔이 있었습니다. 그들에게는 번잡한 명동거리보다는 한국적인 것을 보고 느낄 수 있는 공간이 더 매력이 있었구요. 날씨가 추워서 고궁을 직접 그릴 수 없었던 것이 좀 아쉬웠습니다. 우리의 것을 잘 알고 그려야하겠다는 것을 다시금 느낀 시간이었습니다.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Sketches at Jongno Tower building, Seoul

a cityscape viewed from the 20th floor, (29.6 x 42cm), pen and watercolor

a scene of Insa-dong viewed from the 20th floor, (29.6 x 42cm), pen and watercolor  

a scene of Jongno Bookstore, basement 2nd floor, (29.6 x 42cm), pen and watercolor

a street scene  in front of  the Jongno Tower, (29.6 x 42cm), pencil

a scene around Bosingak Pavilion viewed from the 8th floor, (21 x 29.6cm), pen

Last Saturday, it was cold weather for sketching outdoors. Besides the fine dust has covered Seoul in recent days. Seoul urban sketchers met at Jongno Tower, a landmark building in downtown Seoul, and sketched comfortably inside the modern building. 
It was a weekend, so the office floors of the building were vacant and quiet to sketch without interruption. I sketched the spectacular scenes looking down through the window on the 8th and 20th floor inside the 33-story glass building. After lunch, I sketched an interior scene of the Jongno Bookstore, basement 2nd floor, and an outdoor scene in front of  the Jongno Tower. 
Thanks all participants for having a pleasant sketch time!

새해맞아 여러날 추위와 미세먼지가 도시를 덮었어도
종로타워의 내부공간은 스케치의 온실 같았습니다.

창밖으로 내려다보는 도시경관은 방향과 높이에 따라서 
천양각색의 형태와 색조의 흐름이 다양하게 전개되고

하루하루 조금씩 변하면서 투명하게 다가오는 모습들이 
서울의 살아있는 모습을 비추는 거울처럼 느껴집니다~~ 

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Sketches around Jongno Tower, Jongno

scenery around YMCA from the Jongno Tower, 20th floor, pencil & watercolor, A 4

Choki and KS Park(new comer)

Jongno Bookstore, B2

scenery in front of the Jongno Tower, pencil & watercolor, A 4

scenery seen from 8th floor, conte, A 4

Happy to meet sketchers at the downtown sketching a landmark building, Jongno Tower! It was not cold but drawing over 30 minutes was not easy for numb fingers. Because it was a Saturday office floors were nearly vacant and we could enjoy sketching looking down the cityscape in a very calm mood. After having lunch we moved to favorite places each. We shared various drawings at 4:30 pm. 
Thank you all and hope new comers to join us again!

날이 좀 흐렸으나 몹시 추운 날은 아니었어요. 그래도 밖에서 그릴 때는 손이 곱더군요. 휴일이라 텅빈 건물을 오르내리며 조용히 그렸습니다. 새로 오신 박경숙님도 만나 뵈어서 반가왔어요. 재미난 시간 되었기를 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

참여하신 분들 : 이용환, 한정선, 이충근, 박경숙(새로 오신 분), 박지연, 초키, 유병화

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Small sketches at Jongno Tower

sculpture "Sound of light", 250 x 250 x 320 cm, by Ahn Jong Yeon, located at the lobby of Jongno Tower building
brush pen, watercolor, 18 x 12.5 cm

scene of Jongno Books looked down from B1 of Jongno Tower,
pencil, watercolor, 18 x 12.5 cm

Due to hot and strong light at noon it's very fearful to go out. I dropped in the Samsung A/S center to fix my phone. After finishing it I came down to lobby and didn't feel like going out. I looked around the lobby and decided to draw the big sculpture over the water. It was set after months' remodeling of the lobby. The explanation noted that it expressed Jongno, center of economy and culture, as spiral sculpture harmonized with water and light considered as symbols of wealth and energy topographically. And it aimed the energy of Jongno to be transferred to visitors and occupied offices. 
After finishing the first one I went down for sketching more. I found a book store scene from the corridor. The Jongno Books was relaunched last December 14 years after its closing. It was great to see the oldest bookstore(launced on 1907) come back to book readers. 

너무나 뜨거운 햇살에 휴대폰 고치는 일이 끝나고도 선뜻 길을 나설 수가 없었습니다. 시원한 실내에서 새단장한 종로 타워 로비를 그려보았구요. 작은 종이에 큰 조형물을 억지로 그려넣었구요. 아래층에 내려가서 종로 서적의 한 장면을 내려다 보고 그렸습니다.

전에 그리던 종로 타워의 빈 창가에도 사무실이 들어서서 그리기 어려운 것을 보며 그릴 수 있을 때 그려야 하는 것을 다시금 느끼고 건물을 나왔습니다. 따가운 열기 속으로...

Monday, February 9, 2015

sketches in doughnut store, Gyunji-dong, Jongno, Seoul

roasted chestnut merchant, 18.5 x 25 cm

Jongno Tower seen from the Dunkin Donuts
18.5 x 25 cm

I go often to Insa-dong, Jongno, where lots of galleries locate at. On the way coming home I could pass the junction and see the doughnut store with big pane glass. I'd like to go inside and capture the outdoor scene. In the corner a couple was selling roasted chestnuts. People look beautiful when they live with their best. After finishing the first one I moved to the table near the entrance. I tried to draw the big building, Jongno Tower which was so hard to draw well. This time was same to me too. 

며칠 전 인사동 나갔다가 집에 오는 길에 길 모퉁이를 지나면서 도넛 가게를 보았어요. 그 안에 들어가면 춥지도 않겠거니와 밖의 풍경도 잘 보일 것같았어요. 도넛 두개를 사서 자리를 잡고 두장 그렸어요. 군밤파는 부부의 모습이 커다란 빌딩보다도 더 마음에 남습니다.