Showing posts with label Marronnier Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marronnier Park. Show all posts

Monday, May 28, 2018

Sketches at sweet Marronnier Park

Daehangno street in Marronnier Park, pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)

Korea National Open University near Marronnier Park, pen and watercolor, 
(29.6 x 42cm) 

a sketch of Marronier park square, pen and watercolor, (36 x 51cm)

attractive brick wall of Arko Arts Theater, pen, (36 x 51cm) 

an exciting dance performance in the open-air theater, pencil, (36 x 51cm)


It was a little windy, but a very fine day to sketch. We Seoul urban sketchers met at Marronnier Park located on the former site of Seoul National University, Daehangno, Seoul. I sketched around this attractive park several times before and was always fascinated with the exciting sensation of the lively city. The park was crowded with young people and children including foreign tourists. The landmark buildings, Arko Arts Theater and Gallery located in the park, where lots of performances are held all the year round. In the open-air performance hall or street stage the various musicians play music freely with the crowd. Especially, the red brick wall of the beautiful buildings in the sunlight is harmonized with the green leaves of the horse chestnut in Marronnier Park.
I had a good sketch time drawing and painting here and there in historic Marronnier Park, bringing back my childhood memories.
낙산과 대학천을 따라 흘러 온 지성과 낭만의 근대사~
붉은 벽돌과 마로니에 나뭇잎 사이로 빛과 색의 율동이 어우러지고
문화유산과 젊음이 공존하는 살아있는 역사의 마로니에 광장은
클래식과 현대를 넘나드는 조형, 연극, 뮤지컬, 길거리 퍼포먼스~~
문화적 상징과 감성적 소재가 넘치는 매력적인 스케치 장소입니다.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Sketches at Marronnier Park, Daehangno street, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Former National Industrial Institute(구 공업전습소) which is now being used as an annex to the Korea National Open University, pencil, watercolor, 25 x 25 cm

outdoor stage at the park, pen, watercolor, 26 x 36 cm

It was a very fine day for sketching. The park was busy with visitors. Especially young students gathered to see performance of dance, music, and classic music. Sketching hearing nice music was good too. Talking with new comers I just drew two. But the moments will be memorable for us. Thank you for joining on a beautiful May day!

오늘 참 좋은 날씨에 도심 속의 공원에서 젊은이들과 음악도 듣고 신나는 춤도 보고 즐거운 시간을 보냈습니다. 항상 붐비는 마로니에 공원은 삶에 활력소를 주는 귀중한 공간인듯 합니다. 오늘 새로 오신 분들 반가왔습니다. 감사합니다.

Monday, July 14, 2014

44th World Wide SketchCrawl at Marronnier Park, Hyehwa-dong (혜화동)

 Marronnier Park in front of Arco Art Center (아르코 미술관)

 The Korean Culture & Arts Foundation Munye Theater( 한국문화예술 진흥원 문예회관)

 people sit on benches in the park

 the symbolic sculpture at the entrance of Marronnier Park

 outdoor performance hall inside the park

 a street musician is resting

the exhibition of Park Heung-yong Comics (박흥용 만화전)
pen and watercolor ( 21 x 29.6cm sketchbook )

Marronnier Park (마로니에 공원 ) is located on the former site of Seoul National University, Daehak-ro(대학로), one of the famous districts for youth culture in downtown Seoul. Renowned architect Kim Su-geun (김수근) designed the unique red brick walls encompassing the park. The park is also surrounded by a number of art and cultural centers.The passion of youth and thirst for culture have always filled Daehak-ro and Marronnier Park, which have become symbolic of this cultural district. I visited and sketched around this vibrant park several times before and was fascinated with vivid colors and atmospheres. In celebration of the 44th World Wide SketchCrawl, We Seoul usk members met at this attractive park and had a good sketch time.

대학로 마로니에 공원은, 캠퍼스의 옛 낭만, 근대 서울의 애환, 젊은이들의 놀이와 시민 축제로 이어지는 복합문화공간입니다. 생동감 있는 테마와 역동적인 젊은 흐름들이 끝없이 이어지는 스케쳐들의 보금자리... 서울의 핵심 오아시스라 하겠습니다.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

sketches at 44th World Wide SketchCrawl at Marronnier Park by Lee Sung-woo ( 이 성우)


오랜만에 즐거운 시간을 가졌네요.
남은 주말 즐거이 보내세요^^

sketches at 44th World Wide SketchCrawl at Marronnier Park by Song Kee-song (송 기성)

fabriano watercolor 300g 18x24cm
pigment liner 0.8
kuretake water brush

canson montval aquarelle 300g 13.5x21cm
pigment liner 0.1 0.8
kuretake water brush

Saturday, July 12, 2014

44th World Wide SketchCrawl at Marronnier Park, Hyehwa-dong

conte, pen, pastels, A 4

new comer Noh Jin-yung

sketch of Noh Jin-yung, 23 x 14 cm

sketch of Noh Jin-yung

sketch of Hong Jin-kyoung

new comer, Lee Jung Ah

sketch of Lee Jung-ah

It was so humid and hot day. The park was crowded with people. Arko Art Center and Gallery locates in the park, where lots of performances are held. In the outdoor stage or in steps outside musicians play music freely. A day was not enough to capture all those scenes, so we couldn't go over to nearby places such as Korean National Open Univ., Seoul Nat'l Univ. Hospital museum, Hongik Univ. Daehangno campus, etc. The street seems to pull people with endless attractiveness. 
Thank you all the participants : YH Lee, SH Kim, YM Ham, YS Yun, KS Song, YH Kim, KH Kim, YS Yang, KO Kwon, KY Lee, BH Yoo, especially we welcome new comers; Lee Song-woo, Lee Jung-ah, Kim Eun-kyung, Noh Jin-yung, Hong Jin-kyoung.