side view of Culture Center, pen and watercolor
Business & Administration building viewed from Jangchungdan Park, pen and watercolor
Jeonggakwon, a Buddhist temple, pen and watercolor
main road to the Sacred Statue Square, pen and watercolor
a scenery viewed from Main Stadium, pencil
Myungjin Hall built of stone, pen and watercolor
Main Hall, historied old building, pen and watercolor
Bodhisattva Elephant Statue(Dongguk's symbol animal), pen and watercolor
a scenery at courtyard between Culture Center and Academic Center, pen and watercolor

Main Gate of Campus connected to Jangchundan Park, pen and watercolor
Statue of Samyong Daesa(1544~1610) erected near Academic Center, pen and watercolor
The Shilla Hotel viewed from Culture Center, pen
( 21 x 29.6 sketchbook )
Dongguk University has a history of over 100 years, and is one of the best universities that was founded on the Buddhist faith. The main campus is located in jung-gu Seoul, and directly connected with Namsan Mountain and Jangchungdan Park. So we can see much beautiful scenery surrounded by urban buildings and natural landscapes. Ahead of the Buddha's Birthday, lots of colorful Lotus lanterns were beautifully displayed all over the campus.
While sketching around charming campus,I was fascinated by the lively sceneries harmonized with natural park in the center of the metropolis.
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"안개낀 장충단..."을 회상하며 봄꽃이 만발한 숲길을 오르면 도시풍경이 일품입니다.
교통 편하고, 오르내리기 좋고, 생동감 넘치고, 소재가 가득한~~~좋은 스케치 장소입니다.