Showing posts with label Buddah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Buddah. Show all posts

Saturday, May 10, 2014

some sketches in celebration of Buddha's Birthday

This year May 6 is  Buddha's Birthday (석가탄신일). The Buddhists are gathered on the temples to celebrate the annual high day. And lots of colorful Lotus Lanterns are beautifully embroidered on the precincts and the street around the temple. During the last holidays, I sketched several colorful sceneries at my favorite temples nearby the Mt. Bukhansan National Park.

panoramic view of Heungguksa Temple(흥국사), pen and watercolor, 29.6 x 15cm

temple office at the entrance of the temple precincts, pen and watercolor, 29.6 X 21cm  

 the belfry on the upper floor of the temple office,  pen and watercolor, 29.6 X 21cm

 a sleeping dog in the backyard,  pen and watercolor, 29.6 X 21cm 

 temple office of Geumsunsa Temple (금선사), pen and watercolor, 29.6 X 21cm

 a natural scenery of Geumsunsa Temple, pen and watercolor, 29.6 X 21cm 

 a stone bridge over the stream in the Geumsunsa Temple, pen and watercolor, 29.6 X 21cm 

 the Buddhists joined together in worship, pen and watercolor, 29.6 X 21cm

Yeonhwadang (연화당): the charnel house of Geumsunsa , pen and watercolor, 29.6 X 21cm
석가 탄신일을 맞아 신록의 온누리를 연등으로 수놓는 5월은 진정 계절의 여왕이지만~~~ 올해는 사찰마다 세월호 희생자들의 넋을 위한 애도의 마음으로 숙연한 분위기였고, 스케치하면서도 삶 자체가 축복이란 것을 다시 느꼈습니다.
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