Showing posts with label Geumsunsa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Geumsunsa. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Sketches at the Geumsunsa (temple)

Bell building(범종루) seen from entrance of Geumsunsa, pen, (25 x 17 cm)

Scenery of Ansimdang (안심당) in the temple, pen, (25 x 17 cm)

Daniel from Switzerland, pencil, (25 x 17 cm)

BH Yoo, Daniel, YH Lee from left

These days most people are recommended to stay at home to end the contagion of Corona19. I went to the temple, Geumsunsa(금선사) located near my village with BH Yoo. Weather was very fine. The temple was very calm. I sketched two pieces in order to draw in bigger paper later. The temple runs temple stay program. When I saw a group of two foreigners and a Korean woman I thought they might be participating in that program. We talked with them greeting them and asked him to be a model. He replied "No problem!". He, Daniel, was from Basel, Switzerland. And he with his wife was staying in Seoul for five years and they kept travelling our country and sharing the photos with stories in the website : SCHAUPLATZ to let people know about Korea and Switzerland. And he told that he had been in Panmunjom(판문점) for several years too. Though we couldn't talk long the meeting was impressive and we hoped to meet there later.

지난 일요일에 금선사에 올랐습니다. 요즘 코로나19로 인해 전같으면 신자들뿐만 아니라 등산객들도 심심찮게 들리는 곳인데 너무나 한적해서 그야말로 "절간같다"라는 말이 그대로 어울리는 듯했습니다. 사찰이 아름다워서 나중에 20호를 그려볼 요량으로 스케치를 몇장 하는 중에 외국인 부부로 보이는 듯한 분과 한국인 여성을 만나게 되었습니다. 그들도 절에 오래 머무르는 것 같아서 혹시나 템플 스테이에 참여하시는가 하고 인사를 나누었는데 그런 것은 아니었고 그냥 방문하신 것이라는 이야기였습니다. 스위스에서 오셔서 5년을 살고 있다고 했습니다. 부인은 짧은 한국어는 하셨구요. 한국의 아름다움을 스위스 분들께 한국의 아름다움을 소개하는 홈페이지를 소개하고 이메일 주소를 교환하고 언젠가 거기서 다시 만나자고 덕담을 나누며 헤어졌습니다. 작지만 아름다운 사찰에서 스친 인연을 기념하며 다니엘을 그린 그림을 선물했습니다. 그윽한 분위기 속에 좋은 만남의 하루였습니다~

Monday, February 25, 2019

Sketches at Geumsunsa Temple, Seoul

Monks and congregators starting the service in praying hall, pen and watercolor, 
(21 x 29.6cm)

Scene in the process of the rite, pen and watercolor, (21 x 29.6cm)

After the first(symbolical washing the late souls and making them to hear the Buddha's words) and second(paying respects and praying to Buddha) procedure the chief monk, Buban, thanked for the cooperation of the believers for the new painting and other projects in the temple. pen and watercolor, (21 x 29.6cm)

The third step was undergoing. Participants prayed eternal peace in paradise of their ancestors, family members, friends or anonymous, nameless souls bowing and devoting with clean water. pen and watercolor, (21 x 29.6cm) 

Another scene of the third step of the rite, pencil and watercolor, (21 x 29.6cm)

The last step of the rites for the deceased. pencil and watercolor, (21 x 29.6cm)

Yeonhwadang(연화당) in the temple for the deads. The burying tradition was changed into the cremation one. Families visit there from time to time missing them. pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)

I sketched the scene of the cinerarium outdoor. pen and watercolor crayon, 
(29.6 x 42cm) 

Banyajeon(praying hall /반야전) where the service was held on, under which on first floor there are rooms for the temple stayers. pencil and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)

Entering the temple people could meet the two story Bell tower building(범종루), 
pencil and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)

Mokjeong cave(목정굴), a historical space for praying. The stone cave has been loved by people since the King Jeongjo(1752-1800) of Joseon dynasty, pen and watercolor, 
(29.6 x 42cm)

Last Saturday, I visited Geumsunsa temple to join the Cheondo-jae(천도재) that is a ceremony offered for the deceased. 
 At the time of the founding of Joseon dynasty royal monk Muhak established this temple, Geumsunsa, nearly 600 years ago. The temple locates in Gugi-dong, Jongno-gu, in front of the beautiful Bukhan mountain not far from downtown Seoul. So some climbers drop in to take rest having lunch and noodle served by the temple on Sundays except cold days. 

In old days Korean people had been paying services for their ancestors on their anniversary annually and on the new year day and thanks giving day. Though it's symbolical for the descendants to spread foods and fruits on ceremonial table for their ancestors we've been remembering them through generations. These days some families substitute the service with paying mass or christian service. And the new generation changes the food or fruits according to the present popular ones. In the service the names of the late ones are set on table. The names written on paper are substituted with photos nowadays. 
On the wall over the painting lots of names are attached on a panel. At the last step the monks and congregators walk all around the praying hall together in a row and move to the furnace. We burn the names of the late souls wishing them to go to paradise. Participants bow praying their favorites' eternal peace. 

Hearing that there would be a special service for the late ancestors. I decided to participate in it and to draw the process. It was not easy to see the process in detail because I had to take seat back of the room not to hinder others. I could get several by others' generous understanding about sketching but I added watercolor at home. If I had known about the process well enough to capture more in detail other scenes would be drawn in different views. 
In spite of the difficulty of the environment for sketching it was worthy to be in the process of rite for parents and to draw at the same time.
서울 도심 속 자연친화적인 600여년 사찰 금선사~
솔내음 가득한 북한산 정기와 청정샘 약수를 머금고
조상을 기리는 합동 천도재의 장엄한 예불과 함께
반야전, 극락전, 연화당, 범종각, 목정굴, 템플 스테이....
산세따라 흐르는 아기자기한 소재를 벗삼아 가는
심신수양과 더불어 스케치를 통한 힐링의 장소입니다.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sketches at the Geumsunsa(북한산 금선사)

sketch in the process of ancestral rite, brushpen, pastels, A 4

right side of the praying room, charcoal, A 4

outdoor scene of two buildings in the temple, pen, watercolor, A 4

Yesterday there was a special praying event to pray the peaceful rest of the ancestors. It was held to celebrate the finishing of the new big painting of seven buddhas at Banyajeon(praying hall). Lots of believers participated in the ceremony. It kept for three hours. During the service I drew two between bowing and reading ceremonial texts. 

After having delicious lunch I did one seated on bench under warm sunlight. The air was really fine. I could feel the coming of spring. Though I didn't much I enjoyed the most wonderful atmosphere of the temple in Bughansan.

Thank you, Leeky, for joining to such special event! We were pleased so much by your being together. 

Because I didn't draw many yesterday taking rest I add the previous drawings I'd done before as follows.

Every temple would be decorated by colorful lanterns on Buddha's birthday. I go there to celebrate and enjoy the beautiful scenery in spring season.

Ansimdang under construction

Though the scale of the temple is not big the nice features of big and small rocks make great scenery. I did this one with pencil.

I drew these ones during the ritual ceremony for my late father.

pencil sketch with lotus lanterns

There is a space under big rock where water springs. 

When water flows enough scenery is good too. 

Thank you!