Thursday, October 28, 2010

View from my window

날씨가 이렇게 추운데도 윈드서핑을 하는 사람들이 있네요.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I had a blast with sketch members last Saturday.^^ especially, a clear fall weather aroused me to have a craving for drawing at that time.^^

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The 29th World Wide Sketchcrawl

29th Worldwide sketchcrawl in Seoul

Under reconstruction of Seoul City Hall building
At the renovation site of Seoul Plaza Hotel across the road

A Chinese restaurant at Bugchang-dong

Namdaemun Market

Old and new buildings are mixed in together

It was a beautiful Saturday, and We had a pleasant time all together. Thanks all sketchers!

The 29th World Wide Sketchcrawl

at bugchangdong

at bugchangdong


@ Bukchang-dong

Billboards in disorder
@ Bukchang-dong

The 29th World Wide Sketchcrawl

Kim Mi-kyung at Burchangdong Post office

Jung Un-ja and Koo Yoon-kyoung at Seoul Plaza

Lee Yong-hwan sketching at Seoul Plaza

at Namdaemun Market

at Bugchangdong

Chinese grocery at Bugchangdong

view from the Seoul Plaza in front of city hall

under remodelling of Plaza Hotel across Seoul City Hall

Thank you all participants : Koo Yoon-kyung, Jung Un-ja, Kwon Jae-soon, Jung Kyoung-won, Kim Kyung-hee, Kim Mi-kyung, Lee Yong-hwan, Yoo Byung-hwa

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The 29th World Wide Sketchcrawl

The 29th World Wide Sketchcrawl

날씨가 좋아서 더 좋았던 크롤날이었습니다.
스케치 올립니다.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

View from my window

수업 과제 때문에 오랜만에 유화를 그리려고 하니 준비물 챙기는 데도 한참 걸리네요. 기름통은 끝내 찾지도 못했답니다. 준비운동 겸 연필로 한장 그려보았습니다.