Monday, December 20, 2010

Dongdaemun Gate view at Doota Bld. 7F

41x13.5cm, pen and watercolor

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sketching on Dec,2010

29.7x21cm, 두타빌딩 앞

29.7x21cm, 청계천 6가에서 본 동대문시장 입구

24x18cm, 두타빌딩 앞 카페에서

December sketchcrawl in Seoul

Changsin-dong village across Dongdaemun Gate

Open cafe in front of Maxtyle shopping center

Several buildings around Dongdaemun Plaza

Migliore shopping center
Yesterday morning, I joined Seoul sketchcrawl Dec. It was too cold to sketch comfortably, but I could not help drawing untill 12 a.m. on account of my important promise in the afternoon.
I drew several sceneries around Dongdaemun Plaza sitting on a stool in front of Maxtyle shopping center.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sketching on Dec.18,2010

29.7x21cm,pencil 두타빌딩 정문 앞 풍경

29.7x21cm, pen and watercolor 두타빌딩 7층 화장실에서 바라본 동대문 전경

청계천 다리에서 그림 그리고 있을 때 지나가던 우즈베키스탄인 람세스가 초상화를 부탁..한국어를 잘하였지요..

청계천 다리에서 바라본 시장과 너머의 동대문 풍경
21x29.7cm, pen and watercolor

까페 구석에서 졸고 있는 여자

Sketching on Dec. 18, 2010

Young staffs were smoking before entering the building in the plaza of Doota Building of Dongdaemun, Seoul.
He was resting a while in the open cafe in front of Doota Building, who wore an advertising band of Monaco Wedding & Buffet on his shoulder.

I sketched the shoe shopes at Dongdaemun, Seoul. Under the electric pole were laid tens pair of shoes at the entrance of Shoe stores of Chunggyechun.

On the bridge over Chunggyechun, I sat on the curb and sketched a man singing hymn. Sketching him and hearing his song repeatedly I became to hum after him.

Jung Un-ja was sketching a portrait of Ramses from Uzbekistan. He was fluent in Korean.

Jung Un-ja and Ramses after presenting the drawing

Moon Hyung-in at the cafe in front the Doota building

Kim Kyung-hee sketching on the bridge of Chunggyechun

Welcome! new comer Kim Kyung-eun

Park Jung-sook and Jung Un-ja sketching on the bridge of Chunggyechon 6 ga

bh yoo

drawing of bh yoo, Daler - Rowney, 25 x 25 cm, 110 lbs, made in England

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


24x18cm, at yeongun-dong
Anyone who hard worker's back view is beautiful ! - my idea

Sunday, December 12, 2010

new dot org address‏

Hi guys,

The blog has a new address www urban sketchers dot org. The old one should forward to this one within the next 24 hours. Sorry for the inconvenience.


종전의 주소 이 새주소로 바뀌었다고 하는군요. 블로그에서 바꾸시기 바랍니다.

Friday, December 10, 2010

last sketchcrawl

busy engineer

Engineer from KT(Olleh Korea Telecome) was working in front of the entrance of Sejong University. After sketching this I asked what he was doing. He told me that he was pulling internet cable from the near pole.