Monday, January 24, 2011

30th Sketchcrawl in Seoul @ Seoul Station

uploading more pictures from 30th Sketchcrawl in Seoul

more photos at Seoul Station

Moon Hyung-in


Kim Mi-kyung

Kim Mikyung the 2nd from left, I post this thanking her so much. :)

Moon Hyung-in(right) and I were sketching the platform of Seoul Station.

The 30th Sketchcrawl

그 날 찍은 사진 중에 몇 장 올립니다.

The 30th Sketchcrawl

사진 찍는다는 핑계로 그림은 몇 장 안 그리고 유선생님과 즐거운 수다만 나누었더니 결과물이 별로 없습니다.

30th Sketchcrawl in Seoul

Old Seoul Station under remodelling

Another view around the Old Station

New Seoul Station connected with the Old Seoul Station

Seoul Square Building and Namdaemun Police Station
on the opposite side of the Seoul Station

Arterial road in front of the Seoul Station
crowded with buses and pedestrians
Seoul sketchers including me met at the Seoul Railroad Station for the 30th Worldwide sketchcrawl. The Old Seoul Station was finished on 1925. Recently it was declared national historical monument and under remodelling into a Culture Complex Building. The top one was sketched on the bus stop crowded with passersby in order to express the good view and strong monumentality.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The 30th Sketchcrawl in Seoul

스케치크롤 행사를 동영상으로 기록해 보았습니다. 참석하신 분들 모두 감사드립니다.

30th Sketchcrawl in Seoul, @ Seoul Station

30th Sketchcrawl in Seoul @ Seoul Station

Saturday, January 22, 2011

#30th Sketchcrawl at Seoul Station

In newly built Seoul Station were there many restaurants and shops. I caught a corner next to the Dunkin donuts. (pencil, 21 x 29.7 cm)

Seoul Square Building of 23rd story building across the Seoul Station
a couple looking into the bankbooks at Food Court of Seoul Station

Nine sketchers participated in this sketchcrawl. It was cold. We met at the Food Court on 3rd floor of Seoul Railroad Station located at Bongrae-dong, Chung-ku, Seoul. We began sketching the buildings and traffic around the station through the pane glasses. We enjoyed delicious meals there and coffee. After sharing and talking we finished the 30th sketchcrawl satisfactorily. Thank you all very much!

Friday, January 21, 2011

#30th Sketchcrawl in Seoul Station

오늘 서울역을 사전 답사했습니다. 신역사 3층에 있는 푸드코트가 서울역 건너편이 거의 180도 정도 좌악 보여서 실내에서 그리기 아주 좋을 것같습니다. 물론 밖에서도 그리셔도 좋겠지요. 내일 오전 10시 30분부터 푸드코트에서 그리실 분은 시작하시기 바랍니다. 내일 뵙겠습니다.
(I surveyed around Seoul Station today and found the good place, Food Court, on 3rd floor of newly built Seoul Station. Let's start sketching there. You can sketch out despite of cold weather too. See you there tomorrow on 10:30 am!)

Saturday, January 15, 2011


42x13.5cm, watercolor, my house