Friday, January 9, 2015

scroll painting of Gaeamsa exhibited at the National Museum of Korea

scroll painting of Gaeamsa(temple located at Buan, Jeonla Bukdo), which is exhibited at the National Museum of Korea, Yongsan-gu, Seoul

A 4

Two days ago I visited the National Museum of Korea. In winter season I go often there to appreciate lots of national treasures and special exhibition. I could see the above scroll painting with 1,317 cm height and 868 cm width. Though it looked very hard to imitate I tried to do on A 4 paper. It's one of national treasure, no. 1269. Color was brilliant in spite of that it was produced on 1749. Because such kind of scroll paintings were so big to hang inside the temple it was used for the praying outside the temple building. For the height of the painting it was hung in the open space through two floors. It looked so statios that I stayed for long in front of the painting.

며칠 전 국립 중앙 박물관을 방문하였어요. 겨울이면 추위를 피할 겸 보물들을 감상하려 자주 갑니다. 마침 박물관에서 순차적으로 전시해주는 괘불 그림을 볼수 있었어요. 이번 작품이 아홉전째 것이라는군요. 지난 번에는 흥국사 괘불을 그려본 적이 있던터라 다시 도전하여보았습니다. 역시나 어려웠지만 흉내만이라도 내어 본것이 만족스러웠구요. 이런 저런 국보급 보물들을 만나는 것이 감사하고 소중한 기회였습니다.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

some sketches around Seoul City Hall

 Seoul City Hall and Seoul Metropolitan Library

Seoul City Hall Seosomun Building (Jeong-dong Observatory on the 13th floor)

a panoramic view of Seoul from the Jeong-dong Observatory

Junghwajeon(중화전) at Deoksugung Palace

a scenery around Seoul Anglican Cathedral (대한 성공회 서울교구)

Newspaper publishing companies around Seoul City Hall

a scene looking at Namsan mountain

a scene around Kyunghyang Shinmun Newspaper Building(경향신문사)

inside view of the Jeong-dong Observatory

a panoramic view through the window
( pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm sketchbook )
In the year-end holydays, I visited the Jeong-dong Observatory (정동 전망대)on the 13th floor of Seoul City Hall Seosomun Annex Building (서소문 청사), just across the street from Deoksugung Palace(덕수궁). The Observatory itself is rather modest in appearance: just a few chairs, coffee and refreshments and a photographic display of historical landmarks on the walls. The real attraction is outside: the panoramic views spanning from Seoul City Hall to the Ganghwamun Area and beyond, including Inwangsan and Bukhansan, moreover, Namsan mountain. The panoramic views of numerous buildings also reflect the history of Seoul. Many visitors enjoyed the beautiful landscapes and various forms of architecture at Deoksugung Palace and neighboring areas around Seoul City Hall.
I sketched the various compositions from the fantastic panoramas through the window, moving here and there all around the building.
연말연시 이틀간, 덕수궁 돌담길 따라 서울시 청사 서소문 별관 13층의 정동 전망대를 찾았습니다. 시청 주변의 도심 스케치를 많이 했지만, 고층 실내에서 창밖을 시원하게 내려다보며 파노라마를 그리면서 느낀 점은~~ 시청과 덕수궁, 정동의 조선시대와 근대를 넘어 현대를 잇는 공존의 공간을 한 눈으로 체험하며 다양한 스케치를 날씨에 구애받지 않고 그릴 수 있는 훌륭한 장소라는 것이었습니다.